§ 101-47.202-3 - Submission of reports.  

Latest version.
  • Reports of excess shall be filed with the regional office of GSA for the region in which the excess property is located, as follows:

    (a) Government-owned real property and related personal property shall be reported by the holding agencies 90-calendar days in advance of the date such excess property shall become available for transfer to another Federal agency or for disposal. Where the circumstances will not permit excess real property and related personal property to be reported a full 90-calendar days in advance of the date it will be available, the report shall be made as far in advance of such date as possible.

    (b) Leasehold interests in real property determined to be excess shall be reported at least 60-calendar days prior to the date on which notice of termination or cancellation is required by the terms of the instrument under which the property is occupied.

    (c) All reports submitted by the Department of Defense shall bear the certification “This property has been screened against the known needs of the Department of Defense.” All reports submitted by civilian agencies shall bear the certification “This property has been screened against the known needs of the holding agency.”