§ 101-47.203-7 - Transfers.  

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  • (a) The agency requesting transfer of excess real property and related personal property reported to GSA shall prepare and submit to the proper GSA regional office GSA Form 1334, Request for Transfer of Excess Real and Related Personal Property (§ 101-47.4904). Instructions for the preparation of GSA Form 1334 are set forth in § 101-47.4904-1.

    (b) Upon determination by GSA that a transfer of the property requested is in the best interest of the Government and that the requesting agency is the appropriate agency to hold the property, the transfer may be made among Federal agencies, to mixed-ownership Government corporations, and to the municipal government of the District of Columbia.

    (c) [Reserved]

    (d) Transfers of property to executive agencies shall be made when the proposed land use is consistent with the policy of the Administrator of General Services as prescribed in § 101-47.201-1 and the policy guidelines prescribed in § 101-47.201-2. In determining whether a proposed transfer should be approved under the policy guidelines, GSA and OMB may consult informally to obtain all available data concerning actual program needs for the property.

    (e) GSA will execute or authorize all approved transfers to the requesting agency of property reported to GSA. Agencies may transfer without reference to GSA excess real property which is not reported to GSA under the provisions of § 101-47.202-4(b) (1), (2), and (4). However, such transfers shall be made in accordance with the principles set forth in this section.

    (f) Pursuant to an agreement between the Director, Office of Management and Budget, and the Administrator of General Services, reimbursement for transfers of excess real property is prescribed as follows:

    (1) Where the transferor agency has requested the net proceeds of the transfer pursuant to section 204 (c) of the Act, or where either the transferor or transferee agency (or organizational unit affected) is subject to the Government Corporation Control Act (31 U.S.C. 841) or is a mixed-ownership Government corporation, or the municipal government of the District of Columbia, reimbursement for the transfer shall be in an amount equal to the estimated fair market value of the property requested as determined by the Administrator: Provided, That where the transferor agency is a wholly owned Government corporation, the reimbursement shall be either in an amount equal to the estimated fair market value of the property requested, or the corporation's book value thereof, as may be agreed upon by GSA and the corporation.

    (2) Reimbursement for all other transfers of excess real property shall be:

    (i) In an amount equal to 100 percent of the estimated fair market value of the property requested, as determined by the Administrator, or if the transfer is for the purpose of upgrading facilities (i.e., for the purpose of replacing other property of the transferee agency which because of the location, nature, or condition thereof, is less efficient for use), the reimbursement shall be in an amount equal to the difference between the estimated fair market value of the property to be replaced and the estimated fair market value of the property requested, as determined by the Administrator.

    (ii) Without reimbursement when the transfer is to be made under either of the following conditions:

    (A) Congress has specifically authorized the transfer without reimbursement, or

    (B) The Administrator with the approval of the Director, Office of Management and Budget, has approved a request for an exception from the 100 percent reimbursement requirement.

    (1) A request for exception from the 100 percent reimbursement requirement shall be endorsed by the head of the executive department or agency requesting the exception.

    (2) A request for exception from the 100 percent reimbursement requirement will be submitted to GSA for referral to the Director, Office of Management and Budget, and shall include an explanation of how granting the exception would further essential agency program objectives and at the same time be consistent with Executive Order 12348, dated February 25, 1982. The unavailability of funds alone is not sufficient to justify an exception. The above required data and documentation shall be attached to GSA Form 1334 by the transferee agency on submission of that form to GSA.

    (3) If the Administrator with the approval of the Director, Office of Management and Budget, approves the request for an exception, the Administrator may then complete the transfer. A copy of the Office of Managment and Budget approval will be sent to the Property Review Board.

    (4) The agency requesting the exception will assume responsibility for protection and maintenance costs where the disposal of the property is deferred for more than 30 days because of the consideration of the request for an exception to the 100 percent reimbursement requirement.

    (g) Excess property may be transferred to the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Architect of the Capitol and any activities under his direction, pursuant to the provisions of section 602(e) of the Act. The amount of reimbursement for such transfer shall be the same as would be required for a transfer of excess property to an executive agency under similar circumstances.

    (h) The transferor agency shall provide to the transferee agency all information held by the transferor concerning hazardous substance activity as outlined in § 101-47.202-2.