§ 101-47.203-8 - Temporary utilization.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Whenever GSA determines that the temporary assignment or reassignment to a Federal agency of any space in excess real property for office, storage, or related facilities would be more advantageous than the permanent transfer of the property to a Federal agency, it will execute or authorize such assignment or reassignment for such period of time as it shall determine. The agency to which the space is made available shall make appropriate reimbursement for the expense of maintaining such space in the absence of appropriation available to GSA therefor.

    (b) GSA may approve the temporary assignment or reassignment to a Federal agency of excess real property other than space for office, storage, or related facilities whenever such action would be in the best interest of the Government. In such cases, the agency to which the property is made available may be required to pay a rental or users charge based upon the fair value of such property, as determined by GSA. Where such property will be required by the agency for a period of more than 1 year, it may be transferred on a conditional basis, with an understanding that the property will be reported excess at a time agreed upon when the transfer is arranged (see § 101-47.201-2(d)(7)).