§ 101-47.308-6 - Property for providing self-help housing or housing assistance.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Property for self-help housing or housing assistance, as defined in section 203(k)(6)(C) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended (40 U.S.C.), is property for low-income housing opportunities through the construction, rehabilitation, or refurbishment of self-help housing, under terms that require that:

    (1) Any individual or family receiving housing or housing assistance constructed, rehabilitated, or refurbished through use of the property shall contribute a significant amount of labor toward the construction, rehabilitation, or refurbishment; and

    (2) Dwellings constructed, rehabilitated, or refurbished through use of the property shall be quality dwellings that comply with local building and safety codes and standards and shall be available at prices below prevailing market prices.

    Note to paragraph (a):

    This program is separate from the program under Title V of the Stewart B. McKinney Act of 1987, which is covered in 41 CFR subpart 101-47.9 (Use of Federal Real Property To Assist the Homeless).

    (b) The head of the disposal agency, or his/her designee, is authorized, at his/her discretion to assign to the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for disposal under section 203(k)(6) of the Act such surplus real property, including buildings, fixtures, and equipment situated thereon, as is recommended by the Secretary as being needed for providing self-help housing or housing assistance for low-income individuals or families.

    (c) With respect to real property and related personal property which may be made available for assignment to HUD for disposal under section 203(k)(6) of the Act for self-help housing or housing assistance purposes, the disposal agency shall notify eligible public agencies, in accordance with the provisions of § 101-47.303-2, that such property has been determined to be surplus. Such notice to eligible public agencies shall state that any planning for self-help housing or housing assistance use involved in the development of the comprehensive and coordinated plan of use and procurement for the property must be coordinated with HUD and that an application form for such use of the property and instructions for the preparation and submission of an application may be obtained from HUD. The requirement for self-help housing or housing assistance use of the property by an eligible public agency will be contingent upon the disposal agency's approval under paragraph (j) of this section and a recommendation for assignment of Federal surplus real property received from HUD. Any subsequent transfer shall be subject to the disapproval of the head of the disposal agency as stipulated under section 203(k)(6)(B) of the Act and referenced in paragraph (k) of this section.

    (d) With respect to surplus real property and related personal property which may be made available for assignment to HUD for disposal under section 203(k)(6) of the Act for self-help housing or housing assistance purposes to nonprofit organizations that exist for the primary purpose of providing housing or housing assistance for low-income individuals or families, HUD may notify such eligible nonprofit organizations, in accordance with the provisions of § 101-47.303-2(e), that such property has been determined to be surplus. Any such notice to eligible nonprofit organizations shall state that any requirement for housing or housing assistance use of the property should be coordinated with the public agency declaring to the disposal agency an intent to develop and submit a comprehensive and coordinated plan of use and procurement for the property. The requirement for self-help housing or housing assistance use of the property by an eligible nonprofit organization will be contingent upon the disposal agency's approval, under paragraph (j) of this section, of an assignment recommendation received from HUD, and any subsequent transfer shall be subject to the disapproval of the head of the disposal agency as stipulated under section 203(k)(6)(B) of the Act and referenced in paragraph (k) of this section.

    (e) HUD shall notify the disposal agency within 30-calendar days after the date of the notice of determination of surplus if it has an eligible applicant interested in acquiring the property. Whenever HUD has notified the disposal agency within the 30-calendar day period of a potential self-help housing or housing assistance requirement for the property, HUD shall submit to the disposal agency within 25-calendar days after the expiration of the 30-calendar day period, a recommendation for assignment of the property, or shall inform the disposal agency, within the 25-calendar day period, that a recommendation will not be made for assignment of the property.

    (f) Whenever an eligible public agency has submitted a plan of use for property for a self-help housing or housing assistance requirement, in accordance with the provisions of § 101-47.303-2, the disposal agency shall transmit two copies of the plan to the regional office of HUD. HUD shall submit to the disposal agency, within 25-calendar days after the date the plan is transmitted, a recommendation for assignment of the property to the Secretary of HUD, or shall inform the disposal agency, within the 25-calendar day period, that a recommendation will not be made for assignment of the property to HUD.

    (g) Any assignment recommendation submitted to the disposal agency by HUD shall set forth complete information concerning the self-help housing or housing assistance use, including:

    (1) Identification of the property;

    (2) Name of the applicant and the size and nature of its program;

    (3) Specific use planned;

    (4) Intended public benefit allowance;

    (5) Estimate of the value upon which such proposed allowance is based; and

    (6) If the acreage or value of the property exceeds the standards established by the Secretary, an explanation therefor.

    Note to paragraph (g):

    HUD shall furnish to the holding agency a copy of the recommendation, unless the holding agency is also the disposal agency.

    (h) Holding agencies shall cooperate to the fullest extent possible with representatives of HUD in their inspection of such property and in furnishing information relating thereto.

    (i) In the absence of an assignment recommendation from HUD submitted pursuant to § 101-47.308-6(e) or (f), and received within the 25-calendar day time limit specified therein, the disposal agency shall proceed with other disposal actions.

    (j) If, after considering other uses for the property, the disposal agency approves the assignment recommendation from HUD, it shall assign the property by letter or other document to the Secretary of HUD. If the recommendation is disapproved, the disposal agency shall likewise notify the Secretary of HUD. The disposal agency shall furnish to the holding agency a copy of the assignment, unless the holding agency is also the disposal agency.

    (k) Subsequent to the receipt of the disposal agency's letter of assignment, HUD shall furnish to the disposal agency a Notice of Proposed Transfer in accordance with section 203(k)(6)(B) of the Act. If the disposal agency has not disapproved the proposed transfer within 30-calendar days of the receipt of the Notice of Proposed Transfer, HUD may proceed with the transfer.

    (l) HUD shall furnish the Notice of Proposed Transfer within 35-calendar days after the disposal agency's letter of assignment and shall prepare the transfer documents and take all necessary actions to accomplish the transfer within 15-calendar days after the expiration of the 30-calendar day period provided for the disposal agency to consider the notice. HUD shall furnish the disposal agency two conformed copies of deeds, leases or other instruments conveying the property under section 203(k)(6) of the Act and all related documents containing restrictions or conditions regulating the future use, maintenance or transfer of the property.

    (m) HUD has the responsibility for enforcing compliance with the terms and conditions of transfer; for the reformation, correction, or amendment of any transfer instrument; for the granting of releases; and for the taking of any necessary actions for recapturing such property in accordance with the provisions of section 203(k)(4) of the Act. HUD maintains the same responsibility for properties previously conveyed under section 414(a) of the 1969 HUD Act. Any such action shall be subject to the disapproval of the head of the disposal agency. Notice to the head of the disposal agency by HUD of any action proposed to be taken shall identify the property affected, set forth in detail the proposed action, and state the reasons therefor.

    (n) If any property previously conveyed under section 414(a) of the 1969 HUD Act, as amended, to an entity other than a public body is used for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was sold or leased within a period of 30 years of the conveyance, it shall revert to the United States (or, in the case of leased property, the lease shall terminate) unless the appropriate Secretary (HUD or the Secretary of Agriculture (USDA)) and the Administrator of General Services, after the expiration of the first 20 years of such period, approve the use of the property for such other purpose.

    (o) In each case of repossession under a terminated lease or reversion of title by reason of noncompliance with the terms or conditions of sale or other cause, HUD (or USDA for property conveyed through the former Farmers Home Administration program under section 414(a) of the 1969 HUD Act) shall, at or prior to such repossession or reversion of title, provide the appropriate GSA regional office with an accurate description of the real and related personal property involved. Standard Form 118, Report of Excess Real Property, and the appropriate schedules shall be used for this purpose. Upon receipt of advice from HUD (or USDA) that such property has been repossessed or title has reverted, GSA will act upon the Standard Form 118. The grantee shall be required to provide protection and maintenance for the property until such time as the title reverts to the Federal Government, including the period of any notice of intent to revert. Such protection and maintenance shall, at a minimum, conform to the standards prescribed in § 101-47.4913.