§ 101-47.309 - Disposal of leases, permits, licenses, and similar instruments.  

Latest version.
  • The disposal agency may, subject to such reservations, restrictions, and conditions, if any, as the disposal agency deems necessary properly to protect the interests of the United States against liability under a lease, permit, license, or similar instrument:

    (a) Dispose of the lease or other instrument subject to assumption by the transferee of the obligations in the lease or other instrument unless a transfer is prohibited by the terms of the lease or other instrument; or

    (b) Terminate the lease or other instrument by notice or negotiated agreement; and

    (c) Dispose of any surplus Government-owned improvements located on the premises in the following order by any one or more of the following methods:

    (1) By disposition of all or a portion thereof to the transferee of the lease or other instrument (not applicable when the lease or other instrument is terminated);

    (2) By disposition to the owner of the premises or grantor of a sublease, as the case may be, (i) in full satisfaction of a contractual obligation of the Government to restore the premises, or (ii) in satisfaction of a contractual obligation of the Government to restore the premises plus the payment of a money consideration to the Government by the owner or grantor, as the case may be, that is fair and reasonable under the circumstances, or (iii) in satisfaction of a contractual obligation of the Government to restore the premises plus the payment by the Government to the owner or grantor, as the case may be, of a money consideration that is fair and reasonable under the circumstances; or

    (3) By disposition for removal from the premises.

    Provided, That any negotiated disposals shall be subject to the applicable provisions of §§ 101-47.304-9 and 101-47.30-12. The cancellation of the Government's restoration obligations in return for the conveyance of the Government-owned improvements to the lessor is considered a settlement of a contractual obligation rather than a disposal of surplus real property and, therefore, is not subject to the provisions of §§ 101-47.304-9 and 101-47.304-12.