§ 101-47.603 - Delegations to the Secretary of the Interior.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Authority is delegated to the Secretary of the Interior to maintain custody and control of an accountability for those mineral resources which may be designated from time to time by the Administrator or his designee and which underlie Federal property currently utilized or excess or surplus to the Government's needs. Authority is also delegated to the Secretary to dispose of such mineral resources by lease and to administer any leases which are made.

    (1) The Secretary may redelegate this authority to any officer, official, or employee of the Department of the Interior.

    (2) Under this authority, the Secretary of the Interior, as head of the holding agency is responsible for the following: (i) Maintaining proper inventory records, and (ii) monitoring the minerals as necessary to ensure that no unauthorized mining or removal of the minerals occurs.

    (3) Under this authority, the Secretary of the Interior, as head of the disposal agency, is responsible for the following: (i) Securing, in accordance with § 101-47.303-4, any appraisals deemed necessary by the Secretary; (ii) coordinating with all surface landowners, Federal or otherwise, so as not to unduly interfere with the surface use; (iii) ensuring that the lands which may be disturbed or damaged are restored after removal of the mineral deposits is completed; and (iv) notifying the Administrator when the disposal of all marketable mineral deposits has been completed.

    (4) The Secretary of the Interior, as head of the disposal agency, is responsible for complying with the applicable environmental laws and regulations, including (i) the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321, et seq.) and the implementing regulations issued by the Council on Environmental Quality (40 CFR part 1500); (ii) section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 470f); and (iii) the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1451, et seq.) and the Department of Commerce implementing regulations (15 CFR parts 923 and 930).

    (5) The Secretary of the Interior will forward promptly to the Administrator copies of any agreements executed under this authority.

    (6) The Secretary of the Interior will provide to the Administrator an annual accounting of the proceeds received from leases executed under this authority.

    (b) Authority is delegated to the Secretary of the Interior to determine that excess real property and related personal property under his control having a total estimated fair market value, including all components of the property, of less than $15,000 as determined by the Secretary, is not required for the needs and responsibilities of Federal agencies; and thereafter to dispose of the property by means most advantageous to the United States.