Subpart 101-47.3 - Surplus Real Property Disposal  

§ 101-47.301-1 - Policy.
§ 101-47.301-2 - Applicability of antitrust laws.
§ 101-47.301-3 - Disposals under other laws.
§ 101-47.301-4 - Credit disposals and leases.
§ 101-47.302-1 - General.
§ 101-47.302-2 - Holding agency.
§ 101-47.302-3 - General Services Administration.
§ 101-47.303-2a - Notice for zoning purposes.
§ 101-47.303-1 - Classification.
§ 101-47.313-1 - Disposal of easements to owner of servient estate.
§ 101-47.303-2 - Disposals to public agencies.
§ 101-47.313-2 - Grants of easements in or over Government property.
§ 101-47.303-3 - Studies.
§ 101-47.303-4 - Appraisal.
§ 101-47.304-1 - Publicity.
§ 101-47.314-1 - General.
§ 101-47.304-2 - Soliciting cooperation of local groups.
§ 101-47.314-2 - Extent of investigations.
§ 101-47.304-3 - Information to interested persons.
§ 101-47.304-4 - Invitation for offers.
§ 101-47.304-5 - Inspection.
§ 101-47.304-6 - Submission of offers.
§ 101-47.304-7 - Advertised disposals.
§ 101-47.304-8 - [Reserved]
§ 101-47.304-9 - Negotiated disposals.
§ 101-47.304-10 - Disposals by brokers.
§ 101-47.304-11 - Documenting determinations to negotiate.
§ 101-47.304-12 - Explanatory statements.
§ 101-47.304-13 - Provisions relating to asbestos.
§ 101-47.304-14 - Provisions relating to hazardous substance activity.
§ 101-47.305-1 - General.
§ 101-47.305-2 - Equal offers.
§ 101-47.305-3 - Notice to unsuccessful bidders.
§ 101-47.306-1 - Negotiations.
§ 101-47.306-2 - Defense Industrial Reserve properties.
§ 101-47.307-1 - Form of deed or instrument of conveyance.
§ 101-47.307-2 - Conditions in disposal instruments.
§ 101-47.307-3 - Distribution of conformed copies of conveyance instruments.
§ 101-47.307-4 - Disposition of title papers.
§ 101-47.307-5 - Title transfers from Government corporations.
§ 101-47.307-6 - Proceeds from disposals.
§ 101-47.300 - Scope of subpart.
§ 101-47.301 - General provisions of subpart.
§ 101-47.302 - Designation of disposal agencies.
§ 101-47.303 - Responsibility of disposal agency.
§ 101-47.304 - Advertised and negotiated disposals.
§ 101-47.305 - Acceptance of offers.
§ 101-47.306 - Absence of acceptable offers.
§ 101-47.307 - Conveyances.
§ 101-47.308 - Special disposal provisions.
§ 101-47.309 - Disposal of leases, permits, licenses, and similar instruments.
§ 101-47.310 - Disposal of structures and improvements on Government-owned land.
§ 101-47.311 - Disposal of residual personal property.
§ 101-47.312 - Non-Federal interim use of property.
§ 101-47.313 - Easements.
§ 101-47.314 - Compliance.
§ 101-47.308-1 - Power transmission lines.
§ 101-47.308-2 - Property for public airports.
§ 101-47.308-3 - Property for use as historic monuments.
§ 101-47.308-4 - Property for educational and public health purposes.
§ 101-47.308-5 - [Reserved]
§ 101-47.308-6 - Property for providing self-help housing or housing assistance.
§ 101-47.308-7 - Property for use as public park or recreation areas.
§ 101-47.308-8 - Property for displaced persons.
§ 101-47.308-9 - Property for correctional facility, law enforcement, or emergency management response purposes.
§ 101-47.308-10 - Property for port facility use.