Subpart 101-8.7 - Discrimination Prohibited on the Basis of Age

§ 101-8.706-1 - Normal operation or statutory objective of any program or activity.
§ 101-8.706-2 - Reasonable factors other than age.
§ 101-8.700 - Purpose of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.
§ 101-8.701 - Scope of General Services Administration's age discrimination regulation.
§ 101-8.702 - Applicability.
§ 101-8.703 - Definitions of terms.
§ 101-8.704 - Rules against age discrimination.
§ 101-8.705 - Definition of normal operation and statutory objective.
§ 101-8.706 - Exceptions to the rules against age discrimination.
§ 101-8.707 - Burden of proof.
§ 101-8.708 - Affirmative action by recipient.
§ 101-8.709 - Special benefits for children and the elderly.
§ 101-8.710 - Age distinctions contained in General Services Administration regulation.
§ 101-8.711 - General responsibilities.
§ 101-8.712 - Notice to subrecipients and beneficiaries.
§ 101-8.713 - Assurance of compliance and recipient assessment of age distinctions.
§ 101-8.714 - Information requirements.
§ 101-8.715 - Compliance reviews.
§ 101-8.716 - Complaints.
§ 101-8.717 - Mediation.
§ 101-8.718 - Investigation.
§ 101-8.719 - Prohibition against intimidation or retaliation.
§ 101-8.720 - Compliance procedure.
§ 101-8.721 - Hearings.
§ 101-8.722 - Decisions and notices.
§ 101-8.723 - Remedial action by recipient.
§ 101-8.724 - Exhaustion of administrative remedies.
§ 101-8.725 - Alternate funds disbursal.