§ 102-192.175 - What types of support does GSA offer to Federal agency mail management programs?

Latest version.
  • GSA supports Federal agency mail management programs by—

    (a) Assisting in the development of agency policy and guidance in mail management and mail operations;

    (b) Identifying better business practices and sharing them with Federal agencies;

    (c) Developing and providing access to a Governmentwide management information system for mail;

    (d) Helping agencies develop performance measures and management information systems for mail;

    (e) Maintaining a current list of agency mail managers;

    (f) Establishing, developing and maintaining interagency mail committees;

    (g) Maintaining liaison with the USPS and other service providers at the national level;

    (h) Maintaining a web site for mail communications policy; and

    (i) Serving as a point of contact for mail issues.

    Note to § 102-192.180:

    You may contact GSA at: General Services Administration, Office of Governmentwide Policy, Mail Management Policy Division (MTT), 1800 F Street, NW., STE 1221, Washington, DC 20405; or e-mail: federal.mail@gsa.gov.

    Pt. 102-192, Nt. Effective Date Note:

    At 79 FR 33478, June 11, 2014, part 102-192 was revised, effective Aug. 11, 2014. For the convenience of the user, the revised text is set forth as follows:

    PART 102-192—MAIL MANAGEMENTAuthority:

    44 U.S.C. 2901-2904.

    Subpart A—Introduction to this Part
    § 102-192.5What does this part cover?

    This part prescribes policy and requirements for the effective, economical, and secure management of incoming, internal, and outgoing mail and materials in Federal agencies.

    § 102-192.10What authority governs this part?

    This part is governed by section 2 of Public Law 94-575, the Federal Records Management Amendments of 1976 (44 U.S.C. 2901-2904, as amended), that requires the Administrator of General Services to provide guidance and assistance to Federal agencies to ensure economical and effective records management and defines the processing of mail by Federal agencies as a records management activity.

    § 102-192.15How are “I,” “you,” “me,” “we,” and “us” used in this part?

    In this part, “I,” “me,” and “you” refer to the agency mail manager, a person working in a Federal mail operation, or the agency itself. Where the context does not make it entirely clear which is meant, the meaning is spelled out the first time a pronoun is used in the section. “We,” “us,” and “you” in the plural refer to your Federal agency.

    § 102-192.20How are “must” and “should” used in this part?

    In this part—

    (a) “Must” identifies steps that Federal agencies are required to take; and

    (b) “Should” identifies steps that the GSA recommends. In their internal policy statements, agencies may require steps that GSA recommends.

    § 102-192.25Does this part apply to me?

    Yes, this part applies to you if you work in mail management in a Federal agency, as defined in § 102-192.35.

    § 102-192.30To what types of mail and materials does this part apply?

    (a) This part applies to all materials that pass through a Federal mail center, including all incoming and outgoing materials. This includes:

    (1) First Class Mail;

    (2) Standard Mail;

    (3) Periodicals;

    (4) Package Services; and

    (5) Express Mail.

    (b) This part does not apply to shipments of parts or supplies from a material distribution center. A material distribution center is a warehouse that maintains and distributes an inventory of parts and supplies.

    § 102-192.35What definitions apply to this part?

    The following definitions apply to this part:

    Accountable mail means any piece of mail for which a service provider and the mail center must maintain a record that shows where the mail piece is at any given time, and when and where it was delivered. Examples of accountable mail include United States Postal Service (USPS) registered mail and all expedited mail.

    Agency mail manager means the person who manages the overall mail management program of a Federal agency.

    Class of mail means one of the five categories of domestic mail as defined by the Mailing Standards of the USPS in the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) located at http://pe.usps.gov/. These include:

    (1) Express mail;

    (2) First class (includes priority mail);

    (3) Periodicals;

    (4) Standard mail, bulk business mail; and

    (5) Package services.

    Commercial payment process means paying for postage using the United States Postal Service's Centralized Account Processing System or another payment approach used by the private sector.

    Commingling means combining outgoing mail from one facility or agency with outgoing mail from at least one other source.

    Consolidation means the process of combining into a container two or more pieces of mail directed to the same addressee or installation on the same day.

    Consolidation of facilities means the process of combining more than one mail center into a central location. The decision to consolidate should be based on a cost analysis comparing the projected cost savings to the cost of implementation.

    Expedited mail means mail designated for overnight and 2- or 3-day delivery by service providers. Examples of expedited mail include Dalsey, Hillblom, Lynn (DHL); Federal Express (FedEx); United Parcel Service (UPS); and United States Postal Service (USPS) express mail.

    Federal agency or agency as defined in 44 U.S.C. 2901(14) means—

    (1) An executive agency, which includes:

    (i) Any executive department as defined in 5 U.S.C. 101;

    (ii) Any wholly owned Government corporation as defined in 31 U.S.C. 9101;

    (iii) Any independent establishment in the executive branch as defined in 5 U.S.C. 104; and

    (2) Any establishment in the legislative or judicial branch of the Government, except the Supreme Court, the Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, the Architect of the Capitol, and any activities under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol. Federal facility or facility means any office building, installation, base, etc., where Federal agency employees work. This includes any facility where the Federal Government pays postage expenses even though few or no Federal employees are involved in processing the mail.

    Incoming mail means any mail that comes into a facility delivered by any service provider, such as DHL, FedEx, UPS, and USPS.

    Internal mail means mail generated within a Federal facility that is delivered within that facility or to a nearby facility of the same agency, so long as it is delivered by agency personnel.

    Large agency means a Federal agency whose collective total payments to all mail service providers equals or exceeds $1 million per fiscal year.

    Mail means that as described in § 102-192.30.

    Mail center means an organization and/or place, within or associated with a Federal facility, where incoming and/or outgoing Federal mail and materials are processed.

    Mail expenditures means direct expenses for postage, fees and services, and all other mail costs, meter fees, permit fees, etc. (e.g., payments to service providers, mail center personnel costs, mail center overhead).

    Mail piece design means creating and printing items to be mailed so that they can be processed efficiently and effectively by USPS automated mail processing equipment.

    Official Mail means incoming or outgoing mail that is related to official business of the Federal Government.

    Official Mail Accounting System (OMAS) means the USPS Government-specific system used to track postage.

    Outgoing mail means mail generated within a Federal facility that is going outside that facility.

    Personal mail means incoming or outgoing mail that is not related to official business of the Federal Government.

    Postage means payment for delivery service that is affixed or imprinted to a mail piece usually in the form of a postage stamp, permit, imprint, or meter impression.

    Presort means a mail preparation process used to receive a discounted mail rate by sorting mail according to USPS standards.

    Program level means a component, bureau, regional office, and/or a facility that generates outgoing mail.

    Service provider means any agency or company that delivers materials and mail. Some examples of service providers are DHL, FedEx, UPS, USPS, courier services, the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of State's Diplomatic Pouch and Mail Division, and other Federal agencies providing mail services.

    Sustainability/Sustainable means to create and maintain conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony. Sustainability efforts seek to fulfill the social, economic, and environmental needs of present and future generations.

    Telework means a flexible work arrangement under which an employee performs assigned duties and responsibilities, and other authorized activities, from an approved alternate location.

    Unauthorized use of agency postage means the use of penalty or commercial mail stamps, meter impressions, or other postage indicia for personal or unofficial use.

    Worksharing is one way of processing outgoing mail so that the mail qualifies for reduced postage rates (e.g., presorting, bar coding, consolidating, commingling).

    § 102-192.40Where can we obtain more information about the classes of mail?

    You can learn more about mail classes in the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM). The DMM is available online at http://pe.usps.gov, or you can order a copy from: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 979050, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000.

    § 102-192.45How can we request a deviation from these requirements, and who can approve it?

    See §§ 102-2.60 through 102-2.110 of this chapter to request a deviation from the requirements of this part. The Administrator of General Services and those to whom the Administrator has delegated such authority have the power to approve or deny a deviation.

    Subpart B—Agency RequirementsFinancial Requirements for All Agencies
    § 102-192.50What payment processes are we required to use?

    (a) You must pay the USPS using one or more of the following:

    (1) The U.S. Treasury Intergovernmental Payment and Collection Payment (IPAC) process associated with the Official Mail Accounting System (OMAS);

    (2) The USPS Centralized Account Processing System (CAPS) associated with commercial payments; or

    (3) Another Treasury approved means of paying the USPS.

    (b) Payments made to service providers other than USPS must be made by U.S. Treasury payment methods such as automated clearing house-electronic funds transfer, or another Treasury approved means of paying the vendor.

    § 102-192.55Why must we use these payment processes?

    In accordance with 44 U.S.C. 2904, GSA is required to standardize and improve accountability with respect to records management, including Federal mail management.

    § 102-192.60How do we implement these payment processes?

    Guidance on implementing the Intra-governmental Payment and Collection System can be found at: http://www.fms.treas.gov/ipac/index.html.

    § 102-192.65What features must our finance systems have to keep track of mail expenditures?

    All agencies must have an accountable system for making postage payments; that is, a system that allocates postage expenses at the program level within the agency and makes program level managers accountable for obligating and tracking those expenses. The agency will have to determine the appropriate program level for this requirement because the level at which it is cost beneficial differs widely. The agency's finance systems should track all mail expenditures separately to the program level or below, and should—

    (a) Show expenses for postage and all other mail expenditures, payments to service providers, etc., separate from all other administrative expenses;

    (b) Allow mail centers to establish systems to charge their customers for mail expenditures; and

    (c) Identify and charge the mail expenditures that are part of printing contracts down to the program level.

    Security Requirements for All Agencies
    § 102-192.70What security policies and plans must we have?

    (a) Agencies must have a written mail security policy that applies throughout your agency.

    (b) Agencies must have a written mail security plan for each facility that processes mail, regardless of the facility's mail volume.

    (c) Agencies must have a security policy for employees receiving incoming and sending outgoing mail at an alternative worksite, such as a telework center.

    (d) The scope and level of detail of each facility mail security plan should be commensurate with the size and responsibilities of each facility. For small facilities, agencies may use a general plan for similar locations. For larger locations, agencies must develop a plan that is specifically tailored to the threats and risks at your location. Agencies should determine which facilities they consider small and large for the purposes of this section, so long as the basic requirements for a security plan are met at every facility.

    (e) All mail managers are required to annually report the status of their mail security plans to agency headquarters. At a minimum, these reports should assure that all mail security plans comply with the requirements of this part, including annual review by a subject matter expert and regular rehearsal of responses to various emergency situations by facility personnel.

    (f) A security professional who has expertise in mail center security should review the agency's mail security plan and policies annually to include identification of any deficiencies. Review of facility mail security plans can be accomplished by subject matter experts such as agency security personnel. If these experts are not available within your agency, seek assistance from the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (https://postalinspectors.uspis.gov/) or the Federal Protective Service (FPS) (http://www.dhs.gov/federal-protective-service).

    § 102-192.75Why must we have written security policies and plans?

    All Federal mail programs must identify, prioritize, and coordinate the protection of all mail processing facilities in order to prevent, deter, and mitigate the effects of deliberate efforts to destroy, incapacitate, or exploit the mail center or the national mail infrastructure. Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD 7) at http://www.fas.org/irp/offdocs/nspd/hspd-7.html requires all agencies to protect key resources from terrorist attacks. All Federal mail centers are identified as key resources under the Postal and Shipping Sector Plan. Further details on the plan can be found at the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Web site at http://www.dhs.gov/.

    § 102-192.80How do we develop written security policies and plans?

    Agency mail managers must coordinate with their agency security service and/or the FPS or the U.S. Postal Inspection Service to develop agency mail security policies and plans. The FPS has developed standards for building construction and management, including standards for mail centers. At a minimum, the agency mail security plan must address the following topics:

    (a) Risk assessment;

    (b) A plan to protect staff and all other occupants of agency facilities from hazards that might be delivered in the mail;

    (c) Operating procedures;

    (d) A plan to provide a visible mail screening operation;

    (e) Training mail center personnel;

    (f) Testing and rehearsing responses to various emergency situations by agency personnel;

    (g) Managing threats;

    (h) Communications plan;

    (i) Occupant Emergency Plan;

    (j) Continuity of Operations Plan; and

    (k) Annual reviews of the agency's security plan.

    Reporting Requirements
    § 102-192.85Who must report to GSA annually?

    Large agencies, as defined in § 102-192.35, must provide an annual Mail Management Report to GSA. If your agency is a cabinet level or independent agency, the agency mail manager must compile all offices or components and submit one report for the department or agency as a whole, for example, the U.S. Department of Defense or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

    § 102-192.90What must we include in our annual mail management report to GSA?

    You must provide an agency-wide response to the GSA requested data elements. GSA will provide the list of data elements in a Federal Management Regulation (FMR) Bulletin. GSA coordinates all mail management related FMR bulletins with the Federal Mail Executive Council and updates them as necessary. FMR bulletins are available at: http://www.gsa.gov/bulletins.

    § 102-192.95Why does GSA require annual mail management reports?

    GSA requires annual agency mail management reports to—

    (a) Ensure that Federal agencies have the policies, procedures, and data to manage their mail operations efficiently and effectively;

    (b) Ensure that appropriate security measures are in place; and

    (c) Allow GSA to fulfill its responsibilities under the Federal Records Act, especially with regard to sharing best practices, information on training, and promulgating standards, procedures, and guidelines.

    § 102-192.100How do we submit our annual mail management report to GSA?

    You must submit annual reports using the GSA web based Simplified Mail Accountability Reporting Tool (SMART). Training is available from GSA to agency mail managers and other authorized users on how to use the SMART data reporting system. Contact the Office of Government-wide Policy, Mail Management Policy office for access and training at federal.mail@gsa.gov.

    § 102-192.105When must we submit our annual mail management report to GSA?

    Beginning with FY 2014, the agency's annual mail management report is due on October 31 following the end of the fiscal year.

    Performance Measurement Requirements for All Agencies
    § 102-192.110At what levels in our agency must we have performance measures?

    You must have performance measures for mail operations at the agency level and in all mail facilities and program levels.

    § 102-192.115Why must we use performance measures?

    Performance measures gauge the success of your mail management plans and processes by comparing performance over time and among organizations. Performance measures—

    (a) Define goals and objectives;

    (b) Enhance resource allocation; and

    (c) Provide accountability.

    Agency Mail Manager Requirements
    § 102-192.120Must we have an agency mail manager?

    Yes, every agency as defined in § 102-192.35, must have an agency mail manager.

    § 102-192.125What is the appropriate managerial level for an agency mail manager?

    The agency mail manager should be at a managerial level that enables him or her to speak for the agency on mail management as outlined in this part.

    § 102-192.130What are your general responsibilities as an agency mail manager?

    In addition to carrying out the responsibilities discussed above, you should—

    (a) Establish written policies and procedures to provide timely and cost effective dispatch and delivery of mail and materials;

    (b) Ensure agency-wide awareness and compliance with standards and operational procedures established by all service providers used by the agency;

    (c) Set policies for expedited mail, mass mailings, mailing lists, and couriers;

    (d) Implement cost savings through:

    (1) Consolidating and presorting wherever practical, for example, internal and external mail, and consolidation of agency-wide mail operations and official mail facilities; and

    (2) Reducing the volume of agency to agency mail whenever possible.

    (e) Develop and direct agency programs and plans for proper and cost effective use of transportation, equipment, and supplies used for mail;

    (f) Ensure that all facility and program level mail personnel receive appropriate training and certifications to successfully perform their assigned duties;

    (g) Promote professional certification for mail managers and mail center employees;

    (h) Ensure that expedited mail service providers are used only when authorized by the Private Express Statutes, 39 U.S.C. 601-606;

    (i) Establish written policies and procedures to minimize incoming and outgoing personal mail;

    (j) Provide guidance to agency representatives who develop correspondence or design mailing materials including Business Reply Mail, letterhead, and mail piece design;

    (k) Represent the agency in its relations with service providers, other agency mail managers, and GSA's Office of Government-wide Policy;

    (l) Ensure agency policy incorporates Federal hazardous materials requirements set forth in 49 CFR parts 100-185;

    (m) Ensure agency sustainable activities become part of the mail program by incorporating strategies in accordance with Executive Order 13514 of October 5, 2009, “Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance”. Section 8 describes the Agency Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan; and

    (n) Ensure safety and security requirements specified in §§ 102-192.70 through 102-192.80 are fulfilled.

    Subpart C—GSA's Responsibilities and Services
    § 102-192.135What are GSA's responsibilities in mail management?

    44 U.S.C. 2904(b) directs the Administrator of General Services to provide guidance and assistance to Federal agencies to ensure economical and efficient records management. 44 U.S.C. 2901(2) and (4)(C) define the processing of mail by Federal agencies as part of records management. In carrying out its responsibilities under the Act, GSA is required to—

    (a) Develop standards, procedures, and guidelines;

    (b) Conduct research to improve practices and programs;

    (c) Collect and disseminate information on training programs, technological developments, etc;

    (d) Establish one or more interagency committees (such as the Federal Mail Executive Council, and the Interagency Mail Policy Council) as necessary to provide an exchange of information among Federal agencies;

    (e) Conduct studies, inspections, or surveys;

    (f) Promote economy and efficiency in the selection and utilization of space, staff, equipment, and supplies; and

    (g) In the event of an emergency, at the request of DHS, cooperate with DHS in communicating with agencies about mail related issues.

    § 102-192.140What types of support does GSA offer to Federal agency mail management programs?

    (a) GSA supports Federal agency mail management programs by—

    (1) Assisting in the development of agency policy and guidance in mail management and mail operations;

    (2) Identifying best business practices and sharing them with Federal agencies;

    (3) Developing and providing access to a Government-wide management information system for mail;

    (4) Helping agencies develop performance measures and management information systems for mail;

    (5) Maintaining a current list of agency mail managers;

    (6) Establishing, developing, and maintaining interagency mail committees;

    (7) Maintaining liaison with the USPS and other service providers at the national level;

    (8) Maintaining a publically accessible Web site for mail communications policy; and

    (9) Serving as a point of contact for all Federal agencies on mail issues.

    (b) For further information contact: U.S. General Services Administration, Office of Government-wide Policy (MA), 1800 F Street NW., Washington, DC 20504; telephone 202-501-1777, or email: Federal.mail@gsa.gov.

    Pt. 102-193PART 102-193—CREATION, MAINTENANCE, AND USE OF RECORDSSec.102-193.5What does this part cover?102-193.10What are the goals of the Federal Records Management Program?102-193.15What are the records management responsibilities of the Administrator of General Services (the Administrator), the Archivist of the United States (the Archivist), and the heads of Federal agencies?102-193.20What are the specific agency responsibilities for records management?102-193.25What type of records management business process improvements should my agency strive to achieve?Authority:

    40 U.S.C. 486(c).


    66 FR 48358, Sept. 20, 2001, unless otherwise noted.

    § 102-193.5What does this part cover?

    This part prescribes policies and procedures related to the General Service Administration's (GSA) role to provide guidance on economic and effective records management for the creation, maintenance and use of Federal agencies' records. The National Archives and Records Administration Act of 1984 (the Act) (44 U.S.C. chapter 29) amended the records management statutes to divide records management responsibilities between GSA and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Under the Act, GSA is responsible for economy and efficiency in records management and NARA is responsible for adequate documentation and records disposition. GSA regulations are codified in this part and NARA regulations are codified in 36 CFR chapter XII. The policies and procedures of this part apply to all records, regardless of medium (e.g., paper or electronic), unless otherwise noted.

    § 102-193.10What are the goals of the Federal Records Management Program?

    The statutory goals of the Federal Records Management Program are:

    (a) Accurate and complete documentation of the policies and transactions of the Federal Government.

    (b) Control of the quantity and quality of records produced by the Federal Government.

    (c) Establishment and maintenance of management controls that prevent the creation of unnecessary records and promote effective and economical agency operations.

    (d) Simplification of the activities, systems, and processes of records creation, maintenance, and use.

    (e) Judicious preservation and disposal of records.

    (f) Direction of continuing attention on records from initial creation to final disposition, with particular emphasis on the prevention of unnecessary Federal paperwork.

    § 102-193.15What are the records management responsibilities of the Administrator of General Services (the Administrator), the Archivist of the United States (the Archivist), and the Heads of Federal agencies?

    (a) The Administrator of General Services (the Administrator) provides guidance and assistance to Federal agencies to ensure economical and effective records management. Records management policies and guidance established by GSA are contained in this part and in parts 102-194 and 102-195 of this chapter, records management handbooks, and other publications issued by GSA.

    (b) The Archivist of the United States (the Archivist) provides guidance and assistance to Federal agencies to ensure adequate and proper documentation of the policies and transactions of the Federal Government and to ensure proper records disposition. Records management policies and guidance established by the Archivist are contained in 36 CFR chapter XII and in bulletins and handbooks issued by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

    (c) The Heads of Federal agencies must comply with the policies and guidance provided by the Administrator and the Archivist.

    § 102-193.20What are the specific agency responsibilities for records management?

    You must follow both GSA regulations in this part and NARA regulations in 36 CFR chapter XII to carry out your records management responsibilities. To meet the requirements of this part, you must take the following actions to establish and maintain the agency's records management program:

    (a) Assign specific responsibility to develop and implement agencywide records management programs to an office of the agency and to a qualified records manager.

    (b) Follow the guidance contained in GSA handbooks and bulletins and comply with NARA regulations in 36 CFR chapter XII when establishing and implementing agency records management programs.

    (c) Issue a directive establishing program objectives, responsibilities, authorities, standards, guidelines, and instructions for a records management program.

    (d) Apply appropriate records management practices to all records, irrespective of the medium (e.g., paper, electronic, or other).

    (e) Control the creation, maintenance, and use of agency records and the collection and dissemination of information to ensure that the agency:

    (1) Does not accumulate unnecessary records while ensuring compliance with NARA regulations for adequate and proper documentation and records disposition in 36 CFR parts 1220 and 1228.

    (2) Does not create forms and reports that collect information inefficiently or unnecessarily.

    (3) Reviews all existing forms and reports (both those originated by the agency and those responded to by the agency but originated by another agency or branch of Government) periodically to determine if they can be improved or canceled.

    (4) Maintains records economically and in a way that allows them to be retrieved quickly and reliably.

    (5) Keeps mailing and copying costs to a minimum.

    (f) Establish standard stationery formats and styles.

    (g) Establish standards for correspondence to use in official agency communications, and necessary copies required, and their distribution and purpose.

    § 102-193.25What type of records management business process improvements should my agency strive to achieve?

    Your agency should strive to:

    (a) Improve the quality, tone, clarity, and responsiveness of correspondence;

    (b) Design forms that are easy to fill-in, read, transmit, process, and retrieve, and reduce forms reproduction costs;

    (c) Provide agency managers with the means to convey written instructions to users and document agency policies and procedures through effective directives management;

    (d) Provide agency personnel with the information needed in the right place, at the right time, and in a useful format;

    (e) Eliminate unnecessary reports and design necessary reports for ease of use;

    (f) Provide rapid handling and accurate delivery of mail at minimum cost; and

    (g) Organize agency files in a logical order so that needed records can be found rapidly to conduct agency business, to ensure that records are complete, and to facilitate the identification and retention of permanent records and the prompt disposal of temporary records. Retention and disposal of records is governed by NARA regulations in 36 CFR chapter XII.

    Pt. 102-194PART 102-194—STANDARD AND OPTIONAL FORMS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMSec.102-194.5What is the Standard and Optional Forms Management Program?102-194.10What is a Standard form?102-194.15What is an Optional form?102-194.20What is an electronic Standard or Optional form?102-194.25What is an automated Standard or Optional format?102-194.30What role does my agency play in the Standard and Optional Forms Management Program?102-194.35Should I create electronic Standard or Optional forms?102-194.40For what Standard or Optional forms should an electronic version not be made available?102-194.45Who should I contact about Standard and Optional forms?Authority:

    40 U.S.C. 486(c).


    66 FR 48358, Sept. 20, 2001, unless otherwise noted.

    § 102-194.5What is the Standard and Optional Forms Management Program?

    The Standard and Optional Forms Management Program is a Governmentwide program that promotes economies and efficiencies through the development, maintenance and use of common forms. The General Services Administration (GSA) provides additional guidance on the Standard and Optional Forms Management Program through an external handbook called Standard and Optional Forms Procedural Handbook. You may obtain a copy of the handbook from:

    Standard and Optional Forms Management Office General Services Administration (Forms-XR)1800 F Street, NW.; Room 7126Washington, DC 20405-0002(202) 501-0581http://www.gsa.gov/forms
    § 102-194.10What is a Standard form?

    A Standard form is a fixed or sequential order of data elements, prescribed by a Federal agency through regulation, approved by GSA for mandatory use, and assigned a Standard form number. This criterion is the same whether the form resides on paper or purely electronic.

    § 102-194.15What is an Optional form?

    An Optional form is approved by GSA for nonmandatory Governmentwide use and is used by two or more agencies. This criteria is the same whether the form resides on paper or purely electronic.

    § 102-194.20What is an electronic Standard or Optional form?

    An electronic Standard or Optional form is an officially prescribed set of data residing in an electronic medium that is used to produce a mirror-like image or as near to a mirror-like image as the creation software will allow of the officially prescribed form.

    § 102-194.25What is an automated Standard or Optional format?

    An automated Standard or Optional format is an electronic version of the officially prescribed form containing the same data elements and used for the electronic transaction of information in lieu of using a Standard or Optional form.

    § 102-194.30What role does my agency play in the Standard and Optional Forms Management Program?

    Your agency head or designee's role is to:

    (a) Designate an agency-level Standard and Optional Forms Liaison representative and alternate, and notify GSA, in writing, of their names, titles, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses within 30 days of the designation or redesignation.

    (b) Promulgate Governmentwide Standard forms under the agency's statutory or regulatory authority in the Federal Register, and issue procedures on the mandatory use, revision, or cancellation of these forms.

    (c) Ensure that the agency complies with the provisions of the Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA) (Public Law 105-277, 112 Stat 2681), Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 74d), as amended, the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) Standards (36 CFR part 1194), and OMB implementing guidance. In particular, agencies should allow the submission of Standard and Optional forms in an electronic/automated version unless the form is specifically exempted by § 102-194.40.

    (d) Issue Governmentwide Optional forms when needed by two or more agencies and announce the availability, revision, or cancellation of these forms. Forms prescribed through a regulation for use by the Federal Government must be issued as a Standard form.

    (e) Obtain GSA approval for each new, revised or canceled Standard and Optional form, 60 days prior to planned implementation. Certify that the forms comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Provide an electronic form unless exempted by § 102-194.40. Revised forms not approved by GSA will result in cancellation of the form.

    (f) Provide GSA with both an electronic (unless exempted by § 102-194.40) and paper version of the official image of the Standard or Optional form prior to implementation.

    (g) Obtain the prescribing agency's approval for exceptions to Standard and Optional forms, including electronic forms or automated formats prior to implementation.

    (h) Review annually agency prescribed Standard and Optional forms, including exceptions, for improvement, consolidation, cancellation, or possible automation. The review must include approved electronic versions of the forms.

    (i) Coordinate all health-care related Standard and Optional forms through GSA for the approval of the Interagency Committee on Medical Records (ICMR).

    (j) Promote the use of electronic forms within the agency by following what the Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA) prescribes and all guidance issued by the Office of Management and Budget and other responsible agencies. This guidance will promote the use of electronic transactions and electronic signatures.

    (k) Notify GSA of the replacement of any Standard or Optional form by an automated format or electronic form, and its impact on the need to stock the paper form. GSA's approval is not necessary for this change, but a one-time notification should be made.

    (l) Follow the specific instructions in the Standard and Optional Forms Procedural Handbook.

    § 102-194.35Should I create electronic Standard or Optional forms?

    Yes, you should create electronic Standard or Optional forms, especially when forms are used to collect information from the public. GSA will not approve a new or revision to a Standard or Optional form unless an electronic form is being made available. Only forms covered by § 102-194.40 are exempt from this requirement. Furthermore, you should to the extent possible, use electronic form products and services that are based on open standards. However, the use of proprietary products is permitted, provided that the end user is not required to purchase a specific product or subscription to use the electronic Standard or Optional form.

    § 102-194.40For what Standard or Optional forms should an electronic version not be made available?

    All forms should include an electronic version unless it is not practicable to do so. Areas where it may not be practicable include where the form has construction features for specialized use (e.g., labels), to prevent unauthorized use or could otherwise risk a security violation, (e.g., classification cover sheets), or require unusual production costs (e.g., specialized paper or envelopes). Such forms can be made available as an electronic form only if the originating agency approves an exception to do so. (See the Standard and Optional Forms Procedural Handbook for procedures and a list of these forms).

    § 102-194.45Who should I contact about Standard and Optional forms?

    For Standard and Optional forms, you should contact the:

    Standard and Optional Forms Management Office General Services Administration (Forms-XR)1800 F Street, NW.; Room 7126Washington, DC 20405-0002(202) 501-0581