Subpart A - Regulation System  

§ 102-2.5 - What is the Federal Management Regulation (FMR)?
§ 102-2.10 - What is the FMR's purpose?
§ 102-2.15 - What is the authority for the FMR system?
§ 102-2.20 - Which agencies are subject to the FMR?
§ 102-2.25 - When are other agencies involved in developing the FMR?
§ 102-2.30 - Where and in what formats is the FMR published?
§ 102-2.35 - How is the FMR distributed?
§ 102-2.40 - May an agency issue implementing and supplementing regulations for the FMR?
§ 102-2.45 - How is the FMR numbered?
§ 102-2.50 - How do I number my agency's implementing regulations?
§ 102-2.55 - How do I number my agency's supplementing regulations?
§ 102-2.60 - What is a deviation from the FMR?
§ 102-2.65 - When may agencies deviate from the FMR?
§ 102-2.70 - What are individual and class deviations?
§ 102-2.75 - What timeframes apply to deviations?
§ 102-2.80 - What steps must an agency take to deviate from the FMR?
§ 102-2.85 - What are the reasons for writing to GSA about FMR deviations?
§ 102-2.90 - Where should my agency send its correspondence on an FMR deviation?
§ 102-2.95 - What information must agencies include in their deviation letters to GSA?
§ 102-2.100 - Must agencies provide GSA with a follow-up analysis of their experience in deviating from the FMR?
§ 102-2.105 - What information must agencies include in their follow-up analysis?
§ 102-2.110 - When must agencies provide their follow-up letters?
Non-Regulatory Material
§ 102-2.115 - What kinds of non-regulatory material does GSA publish outside of the FMR?
§ 102-2.120 - How do I know whom to contact to discuss the regulatory requirements of programs addressed in the FMR?
§ 102-2.125 - What source of information can my agency use to identify materials that describe how to do business with GSA?