Subpart B - Acquiring Excess Personal Property For Our Agency  

Processing Transfers
§ 102-36.125 - How do we process a Standard Form 122 (SF 122), Transfer Order Excess Personal Property, through GSA?
§ 102-36.130 - What are our responsibilities in processing transfer orders of excess personal property?
§ 102-36.135 - How much time do we have to pick up excess personal property that has been approved for transfer?
§ 102-36.140 - May we arrange to have the excess personal property shipped to its final destination?
Screening of Excess
§ 102-36.90 - How do we find out what personal property is available as excess?
§ 102-36.95 - How long is excess personal property available for screening?
§ 102-36.100 - When does the screening period start for excess personal property?
§ 102-36.105 - Who is authorized to screen and where do we go to screen excess personal property on-site?
§ 102-36.110 - Do we need authorization to screen excess personal property?
§ 102-36.115 - What information must we include in the authorization form for non-federal persons to screen excess personal property?
§ 102-36.120 - What are our responsibilities in authorizing a non-federal individual to screen excess personal property?
Acquiring Excess
§ 102-36.60 - Who is eligible to acquire excess personal property as authorized by the Property Act?
§ 102-36.65 - Why must we use excess personal property instead of buying new property?
§ 102-36.70 - What must we consider when acquiring excess personal property?
§ 102-36.75 - Do we pay for excess personal property we acquire from another federal agency under a transfer?
§ 102-36.80 - How much do we pay for excess personal property on a transfer with reimbursement?
§ 102-36.85 - Do we pay for personal property we acquire when it is disposed of by another agency under the exchange/sale authority, and how much do we pay?
Direct Transfers
§ 102-36.145 - May we obtain excess personal property directly from another Federal agency without GSA approval?