Subpart E - Personal Property Whose Disposal Requires Special Handling  

Munitions List Items/Commerce Control List Items (Mlis/Cclis)
§ 102-36.430 - May we dispose of excess Munitions List Items (MLIs)/Commerce Control List Items (CCLIs)?
§ 102-36.435 - How do we identify Munitions List Items (MLIs)/Commerce Control List Items (CCLIs) requiring demilitarization?
Canines, Law Enforcement
§ 102-36.365 - May we transfer or donate canines that have been used in the performance of law enforcement duties?
§ 102-36.375 - May we dispose of excess firearms?
Hazardous Personal Property
§ 102-36.425 - May we dispose of excess hazardous personal property?
Disaster Relief Property
§ 102-36.370 - Are there special requirements concerning the use of excess personal property for disaster relief?
§ 102-36.405 - May we keep gifts given to us from the public?
§ 102-36.410 - How do we dispose of a gift in the form of money or intangible personal property?
§ 102-36.415 - How do we dispose of gifts other than intangible personal property?
§ 102-36.420 - How do we dispose of gifts from foreign governments or entities?
Shelf-Life Items
§ 102-36.450 - Do we report excess shelf-life items?
§ 102-36.455 - How do we report excess shelf-life items?
§ 102-36.460 - Do we report excess medical shelf-life items held for national emergency purposes?
§ 102-36.465 - May we transfer or exchange excess medical shelf-life items with other federal agencies?
Foreign Excess Personal Property
§ 102-36.380 - Who is responsible for disposing of foreign excess personal property?
§ 102-36.385 - What are our responsibilities in the disposal of foreign excess personal property?
§ 102-36.390 - How may we dispose of foreign excess personal property?
§ 102-36.395 - How may GSA assist us in disposing of foreign excess personal property?
§ 102-36.400 - Who pays for the transportation costs when foreign excess personal property is returned to the United States?
§ 102-36.470 - What must we do when disposing of excess vessels?
Aircraft and Aircraft Parts
§ 102-36.340 - What must we do when disposing of excess aircraft?
§ 102-36.345 - May we dispose of excess Flight Safety Critical Aircraft Parts (FSCAP)?
§ 102-36.350 - How do we identify a FSCAP?
§ 102-36.355 - What are the FSCAP Criticality Codes?
§ 102-36.360 - How do we dispose of aircraft parts that are life-limited but have no FSCAP designation?
Printing Equipment and Supplies
§ 102-36.440 - Are there special procedures for reporting excess printing and binding equipment and supplies?
Red Cross Property
§ 102-36.445 - Do we report excess personal property originally acquired from or through the American National Red Cross?
§ 102-36.335 - Are there certain types of excess personal property that must be disposed of differently from normal disposal procedures?