Subpart D - State Agency for Surplus Property (SASP)  

§ 102-37.360 - What reports must a SASP provide to GSA?
State Plan of Operation
§ 102-37.140 - What is a State plan of operation?
§ 102-37.145 - Who is responsible for developing, certifying, and submitting the plan?
§ 102-37.150 - What must a State legislature include in the plan?
§ 102-37.155 - When does a plan take effect?
§ 102-37.160 - Must GSA approve amendments or modifications to the plan?
§ 102-37.165 - Do plans or major amendments require public notice?
§ 102-37.170 - What happens if a SASP does not operate in accordance with its plan?
Liquidating a SASP
§ 102-37.365 - What steps must a SASP take if the State decides to liquidate the agency?
§ 102-37.370 - Do liquidation plans require public notice?
Service and Handling Charges
§ 102-37.275 - May a SASP accept personal checks and non-official payment methods in payment of service charges?
§ 102-37.280 - How may a SASP use service charge funds?
§ 102-37.285 - May a SASP use service charge funds to support non-SASP State activities and programs?
Audits and Reviews
§ 102-37.345 - When must a SASP be audited?
§ 102-37.350 - Does coverage under the single audit process in OMB Circular A-133 exempt a SASP from other reviews of its program?
§ 102-37.355 - What obligations does a SASP have to ensure that donees meet Circular A-133 requirements?
Distribution of Property
§ 102-37.260 - How must a SASP document the distribution of surplus property?
§ 102-37.265 - May a SASP distribute surplus property to eligible donees of another State?
§ 102-37.270 - May a SASP retain surplus property for its own use?
Cooperative Agreements
§ 102-37.325 - With whom and for what purpose(s) may a SASP enter into a cooperative agreement?
§ 102-37.330 - Must the costs of providing support under a cooperative agreement be reimbursed by the parties receiving such support?
§ 102-37.335 - May a SASP enter into a cooperative agreement with another SASP?
§ 102-37.340 - When may a SASP terminate a cooperative agreement?
Disposing of Undistributed Property
§ 102-37.290 - What must a SASP do with surplus property it cannot donate?
§ 102-37.295 - Must GSA approve a transfer between SASPs?
§ 102-37.300 - What information must a SASP provide GSA when reporting unneeded usable property for disposal?
§ 102-37.305 - May a SASP act as GSA's agent in selling undistributed surplus property (either as usable property or scrap)?
§ 102-37.310 - What must a proposal to sell undistributed surplus property include?
§ 102-37.315 - What costs may a SASP recover if undistributed surplus property is retransferred or sold?
§ 102-37.320 - Under what conditions may a SASP abandon or destroy undistributed surplus property?
Screening and Requesting Property
§§ 102-37.180--102-37.185 - [Reserved]
§ 102-37.175 - How does a SASP find out what property is potentially available for donation?
§ 102-37.180 - Does a SASP need special authorization to screen property at Federal facilities?
§ 102-37.185 - How does a SASP obtain screening authorization for itself or its donees?
§ 102-37.190 - What records must a SASP maintain on authorized screeners?
§ 102-37.195 - Does a SASP have to have a donee in mind to request surplus property?
§ 102-37.200 - What certifications must a SASP make when requesting surplus property for donation?
§ 102-37.205 - What agreements must a SASP make?
§ 102-37.210 - Must a SASP make a drug-free workplace certification when requesting surplus property for donation?
§ 102-37.215 - When must a SASP make a certification regarding lobbying?
Custody, Care, and Safekeeping
§ 102-37.245 - What must a SASP do to safeguard surplus property in its custody?
§ 102-37.250 - What actions must a SASP take when it learns of damage to or loss of surplus property in its custody?
§ 102-37.255 - Must a SASP insure surplus property against loss or damage?
Justifying Special Transfer Requests
§ 102-37.220 - Are there special types of surplus property that require written justification when submitting a transfer request?
§ 102-37.225 - What information or documentation must a SASP provide when requesting a surplus aircraft or vessel?
§ 102-37.230 - What must a letter of intent for obtaining surplus aircraft or vessels include?
§ 102-37.235 - What type of information must a SASP provide when requesting surplus property for cannibalization?
§ 102-37.240 - How must a transfer request for surplus firearms be justified?
§ 102-37.130 - What are a SASP's responsibilities in the donation of surplus property?
§ 102-37.135 - How does a SASP become eligible to distribute surplus property to donees?