§ 102-81.30 - Are there any special considerations for existing Federal facilities and Federal grounds under the jurisdiction, custody, or control of GSA?  

Latest version.
  • § 102-81.30 What information must job applicants at child care centers reveal?

    Anyone who applies for employment (including volunteer positions) at a child care facility, located on Federally controlled property (including Federally leased property), must reveal any arrests and convictions on the job application. Employment at a child care facility means any position that involves work with minor children, such as a teacher, daycare worker, or school administrator

    Are there any special considerations for existing Federal facilities and Federal grounds under the jurisdiction, custody, or control of GSA?

    No, the RMP Standard applies to existing nonmilitary Federal facilities as part of the periodic risk assessment process. The security organization responsible for the Federal facility or Federal grounds will conduct a periodic risk assessment and recommend countermeasures and design features to be implemented at the Federal facility or on the Federal grounds. The FSC will determine whether the recommended countermeasures will be implemented or if risk will be accepted. The design and implementation of approved countermeasures at existing facilities must comply with applicable laws, regulations, and Executive orders. For approved countermeasures that cannot be implemented immediately, a plan to phase in countermeasures and achieve compliance must be instituted and documented in accordance with the RMP Standard. In some cases, the implementation of countermeasures must be delayed until renovations or modernization programs occur.