Part 105-56 - Salary Offset for Indebtedness of Federal Employees to the United States  

Subpart A - Salary Offset of General Services Administration Employees
§ 105-56.001 - Scope.
§ 105-56.002 - Excluded debts or claims.
§ 105-56.003 - Definitions.
§ 105-56.004 - Pre-offset notice.
§ 105-56.005 - Employee response.
§ 105-56.006 - Petition for pre-offset hearing.
§ 105-56.007 - Pre-offset oral hearing.
§ 105-56.008 - Pre-offset paper hearing.
§ 105-56.009 - Written decision.
§ 105-56.010 - Deductions.
§ 105-56.011 - Non-waiver of rights.
§ 105-56.012 - Refunds.
§ 105-56.013 - Coordinating offset with another Federal agency.
Subpart B - Centralized Salary Offset (CSO) Procedures - GSA as Creditor Agency
§ 105-56.014 - Purpose and scope.
§ 105-56.015 - Definitions.
§ 105-56.016 - GSA participation.
§ 105-56.017 - Centralized salary offset computer match.
§ 105-56.018 - Salary offset.
§ 105-56.019 - Offset amount.
§ 105-56.020 - Priorities.
§ 105-56.021 - Notice.
§ 105-56.022 - Fees.
§ 105-56.023 - Disposition of amounts collected.
Subpart C - Centralized Salary Offset (CSO) Procedures - GSA as Paying Agency
§ 105-56.024 - Purpose and scope.
§ 105-56.025 - Definitions.
§ 105-56.026 - GSA participation.
§ 105-56.027 - Centralized salary offset computer match.
§ 105-56.028 - Salary offset.
§ 105-56.029 - Offset amount.
§ 105-56.030 - Priorities.
§ 105-56.031 - Notice.
§ 105-56.032 - Fees.
§ 105-56.033 - Disposition of amounts collected.