§ 105-60.305-5 - Searches.  

Latest version.
  • § 105-60.305-5 Searches.

    (a) GSA may charge for the time spent in the following activities in determining “search time” subject to applicable fees as provided in § 105-60.305-10:

    (1) Time spent in trying to locate GSA records which come within the scope of the request;

    (2) Time spent in either transporting a necessary agency searcher to a place of record storage, or in transporting records to the locations of a necessary agency searcher; and

    (3) Direct costs of the use of computer time to locate and extract requested records.

    (b) GSA will not charge for the time spent in monitoring a requester's inspection of disclosed agency records.

    (c) GSA may assess fees for search time even if the search proves unsuccessful or if the records located are exempt from disclosure.