Subpart 109-1.51 - Personal Property Management Standards and Practices  

§ 109-1.5100 - Scope of subpart.
§ 109-1.5101 - Official use of personal property.
§ 109-1.5102 - Maximum use of personal property.
§ 109-1.5103 - Loan of personal property.
§ 109-1.5104 - Borrowing of personal property.
§ 109-1.5105 - Identification marking of personal property.
§ 109-1.5106 - Segregation of personal property.
§ 109-1.5107 - Physical protection of personal property.
§ 109-1.5108 - Personal property records requirements.
§ 109-1.5109 - Control of sensitive items.
§ 109-1.5110 - Physical inventories of personal property.
§ 109-1.5111 - Retirement of property.
§ 109-1.5112 - Loss, damage, or destruction of personal property in possession of DOE direct operations.
§ 109-1.5113 - Loss, damage, or destruction of personal property in possession of designated contractors.
§ 109-1.5114 - Use of non-Government-owned property.
§ 109-1.5148 - Personal property management reports.
§ 109-1.5108-1 - Equipment.
§ 109-1.5108-2 - Sensitive items.
§ 109-1.5108-3 - Stores inventories.
§ 109-1.5108-4 - Precious metals.
§ 109-1.5108-5 - Administratively controlled items.