§ 301-15.4 - Establishment of TMC's.  

Latest version.
  • (a) GSA contracts for TMC's in locations where the volume of travel justifies the need for such services. Generally, GSA will secure services through local travel agents. In the continental United States, areas with dispersed Federal employees or with a limited number of travel agents may be served by a TMC designated to provide Statewide service.

    (b) An agency's request to participate in the TMC program should be directed to the GSA Federal Supply Service Bureau, Traffic and Travel Services Zone Office, which has jurisdiction over the State where travel management services are required. Zone office locations and contacts are listed in the FTD.

    (c) GSA requires the following information for each agency location to be served:

    (1) The name and address of each agency location and the name and telephone number of an agency representative designated to act as liaison;

    (2) A per location estimate of official airline travel (number of tickets and total dollar cost) based on the prior year's travel records, and an estimate of the percentage of international travel, if any;

    (3) The number of Federal agency employees per location; and

    (4) Any special travel requirements, such as a high percentage of complex international travel.