§ 301-15.7 - Agency responsibilities.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Agencies may be requested to participate with GSA on a technical review panel to evaluate proposals from travel agents in the selection and evaluation process.

    (b) Agencies are required to comply with the terms of the GSA contract and may not make separate contractual agreements with TMC's.

    (c) It is the responsibility of the agency to prepare and finalize a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the agency and the TMC contractor. The MOU should outline specific requirements and billing/refund procedures which must be agreed to by both the contractor and GSA. The MOU should also include the following information for each agency location where the service will be performed:

    (1) The names and telephone numbers of agency liaison personnel designated to work locally with the TMC contractor and GSA project coordinator;

    (2) Specific ticket delivery locations or control points, including names and telephone numbers of personnel authorized to accept tickets; and

    (3) Any special or unusual agency travel policies or travel-related requirements.

    (d) Before TMC service is initiated, a participating agency must establish, as a minimum, certain internal procedures. The agency shall inform subordinate offices of these procedures. Since many agencies have numerous field offices participating in the program, it is recommended that agencies standardize the following:

    (1) Requirements for certification of official travel (for example, some agencies require that a copy of the travel authorization be exchanged for each ticket received at the point of delivery, while other agencies provide travelers with an accounting code to use when ordering tickets); and

    (2) Billing and payment procedures, including ticket refunds (for example, an agency with a national or centralized finance office may require field offices to return unused tickets to that office which will, in turn, make a request to the TMC for ticket refunds, rather than have field offices return tickets directly).

    (e) Transactions with a TMC are comparable to those made directly with a carrier. Therefore, transactions between the agency and the TMC are governed by applicable audit regulations. For example, when an agency uses Government Transportation Requests (GTR's), they shall be made out in the name of the TMC, not the carrier. Similarly, unused tickets purchased from the TMC shall be returned directly to the TMC for refunds.

    (f) Agencies will be requested to participate on a local oversight committee to review TMC performance, coordinate agency and TMC procedures, and provide GSA with requested information. Local oversight committee participation may be on a rotating or permanent basis.

    (g) Agencies shall remain responsible for employee compliance with this subtitle, including mandatory use of the contract air/rail carriers program (see subpart B of this part) and restrictions on premium-class air/rail travel (see § 301-3.3 of this chapter).

    (h) Agencies shall comply with the Prompt Payment Act, as amended (31 U.S.C. 3901), and make timely payments to the TMC in accordance with the Act and Office of Management and Budget guidelines.