§ 301-16.4 - Selection of a conference site.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Agency responsibilities—(1) Agency policy. Each agency shall establish policies governing conference site selection that minimize conference administrative costs and conference attendees’ travel costs to be paid by the Government, as well as conference attendees’ time costs. Agencies should use Government-owned or Government-provided conference facilities to the maximum extent possible, and generally should avoid consideration of conference sites that might appear extravagant to the public. However, when a true cost savings would accrue to the Government in the selection of a particular conference site (e.g., through the availability of attractive and competitive rates during the off-season in areas having seasonal rates), agencies should avail themselves of the opportunity to save costs in selecting a conference site.

    (2) Authorization of conference site selection. The authorization to conduct a conference at a selected site when the conference involves travel by 30 or more employees must be granted by a senior agency official.

    (b) Documentation. When a conference involves travel by 30 or more employees, the agency shall document the cost of each alternative conference site, and retain a record of the documentation for every conference held. The agency shall make the documentation available for inspection by the agency's Office of Inspector General or other interested parties.

    (c) Restrictions on selection of conference facilities—(1) Approved accommodations. When an agency, as defined in § 301-17.2(a) of this chapter, holds a conference at a place of public accommodation, as defined in § 301-17.2(b) of this chapter, the agency shall use an approved accommodation as defined in § 301-17.2(c) of this chapter unless a waiver is granted under § 301-16.3(b)(2) of this part. Any advertisement or application for attendance at the conference shall include notice of the prohibition on using a place of public accommodation that is not an approved accommodation in accordance with § 301-16.3(b) of this part. In addition, any Executive agency as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105 shall notify all non-Federal entities to which it provides Federal funds of the prohibition.

    (2) Conferences within the District of Columbia. Agencies may obtain short-term conference meeting space in the District of Columbia in accordance with 41 CFR 101-17.101-4. Direct procurement by an agency of lodging facilities in the District of Columbia without specific authorization and appropriation by the Congress is prohibited (see 40 U.S.C. 34). The provisions of this paragraph shall not be construed to prohibit payment of per diem to an employee who is authorized to obtain lodging in the District of Columbia while performing official business travel.