§ 301-6.4 - Official communications.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Local calls. Charges for local telephone calls on official business shall be allowed as a transportation expense. (See § 301-11.5(a)(1) regarding entry of such calls on travel vouchers as a transportation expense.)

    (b) Reservation of accommodations. Charges for commercial communication services when necessary for reserving airplane, train, or other transportation accommodations for official business are transportation expenses and may be allowed when supported by a satisfactory explanation.

    (c) Use of Government telephone systems during official travel. The Federal Telecommunications System (FTS) intercity network and other Government-provided long distance telephone services are to be used only to conduct official business; i.e., if the call is necessary in the interest of the Government. These networks are to be used for placement of calls instead of the commercial toll network to the maximum extent practicable. (See § 301-6.2.) Authorization or approval of employees’ use of the Government telephone systems (including calls over commercial systems which will be paid for by the Government) during official travel shall be in accordance with agency directives issued pursuant to the Federal Property Management Regulations (FPMR), 41 CFR 101-35.201.