§ 302-1.105 - Origin and destination.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The expenses listed in § 302-1.103 may be paid from the official station where separation of the eligible individual occurs to the place where the individual has elected to reside within the United States; or if the individual dies before separating or after separating but before the travel and transportation are completed, expenses may be paid from the deceased individual's official station at the time of death or where separation occurred, as appropriate, to the place within the areas listed in this paragraph where the immediate family elects to reside even if different from the place elected by the separated eligible individual.

    (b) Travel and transportation expenses may be paid from an alternate origin or more than one origin provided the cost does not exceed the cost that the Government would have paid if all travel and transportation had originated at the official station from which the individual was separated to the place where the individual, or the immediate family, will reside.

    (c) This subpart comtemplates a move to a different georgraphical area. In the event the place where the individual has elected to reside is within the same general local or metropolitan area in which the official station or residence was located at the time of the individual's separation, the expenses authorized by this subpart may not be paid unless the mileage criteria specified in § 302-1.7 for a short distance transfer are met.