§ 302-1.6 - Time limits for beginning travel and transportation.  

Latest version.
  • All travel, including that for the immediate family, and transportation, including that for household goods allowed under this chapter, shall be accomplished as soon as possible. The maximum time for beginning allowable travel and transportation shall not exceed 2 years from the effective date of the employee's transfer or appointment, except that:

    (a) The 2-year period is exclusive of the time spent on furlough for an employee who begins active military service before the expiration of such period and who is furloughed for the duration of his/her assignment to the post of duty for which transportation and travel expenses are allowed;

    (b) The 2-year period does not include any time during which travel and transportation is not feasible due to shipping restrictions for an employee who is transferred or appointed to or from a post of duty outside the continental United States; and

    (c) The 2-year period shall be extended for an additional period of time not to exceed 1 year when the 2-year time limitation for completion of residence transactions is extended under § 302-6.1(e).