§ 302-1.9 - Reduction in force involved.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Impending separation. When an employee is assigned to a new official station after having been notified of involuntary separation not for cause but incident to the reduction, cessation, or transfer of the work at the station where he/she was employed, the transfer of the employee is deemed to be in the interest of the Government unless there is an affirmative administrative determination that the transfer is primarily for the employee's convenience or benefit.

    (b) Reemployment after separation. A former employee separated by reason of reduction in force or transfer of function who within 1 year of the date of separation is reemployed by an agency for a nontemporary appointment, at a different permanent duty station from that where the separation occurred, may be allowed and paid the expenses and other allowances (excluding nontemporary storage when assigned to an isolated permanent duty station within the continental United States) in the same manner as though he/she had been transferred in the interest of the Government to the permanent duty station where reemployed, from the permanent duty station where separated, without a break in service, and subject to the eligibility limitations as prescribed in this chapter.