Subpart A - General Rules  

Service Agreement and Disclosure Statement
§ 302-2.13 - What is a service agreement?
§ 302-2.14 - Am I required to sign a service agreement for an appointment or transfer CONUS or Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS), renewal agreement travel, or assignment under the Government Employees Training Act (GETA), and what is the minimum period of service?
§ 302-2.15 - Will I be penalized for violation of my service agreement?
§ 302-2.16 - Must I provide my agency with my actual place of residence as soon as I accept a transfer/appointment OCONUS?
§ 302-2.17 - Must I sign a service agreement for a “last move home” relocation or separation from Government service?
§ 302-2.18 - What happens if I fail to sign a service agreement?
§ 302-2.19 - Can my service agreement be voided by a subsequent service agreement?
§ 302-2.20 - If I have more than one service agreement, must I adhere to each agreement separately?
§ 302-2.21 - What is a duplicate reimbursement disclosure statement?
§ 302-2.22 - Must I sign a duplicate reimbursement disclosure statement?
Time Limits
§ 302-2.8 - When may I begin my travel and transportation after receiving authorization to do so?
§ 302-2.9 - When must I complete all aspects my relocation?
§ 302-2.10 - If I am furloughed to perform active military duty, will I have to complete all aspects of the relocation within the time limitation?
§ 302-2.11 - Does the 1-year time period in § 302-2.8 include time that I cannot travel and/or transport my household effects due to shipping restrictions to or from my post of duty OCONUS?
§ 302-2.12 - May the 1-year time limitation for completing all aspects of a relocation be extended?
Advancement of Funds
§ 302-2.23 - May I receive an advance of funds for my travel and transportation expenses?
§ 302-2.24 - What requirements must I meet to receive a travel advance?
§ 302-2.25 - May I receive a travel advance for separation relocation?
Service Agreements
§ 302-2.1 - When may I begin my relocation?
§ 302-2.2 - May I relocate to my new official station before I receive a written travel authorization (TA)?
§ 302-2.3 - What determines my entitlements and allowances for relocation?
§ 302-2.4 - What is my effective transfer or appointment date?
§ 302-2.5 - May I relocate from a location other than the location specified in my relocation travel authorization?
§ 302-2.6 - May I be reimbursed for relocation expenses if I relocate to a new official station that does not meet the 50-mile distance test?
§ 302-2.7 - What happens if I attempt to defraud the Government?