Subpart G - Transportation of Immediate Family Members, Baggage, Household Goods, and Privately Owned Vehicles (POV) for Employees Assigned to Contingency Operation or an Operation in Response to an Emergency Declared by the President  

§ 303-70.600 - When an employee dies while performing official travel duties directly supporting or directly relating to a contingency operation or an operation in response to an emergency declared by the President, must we provide transportation for the employee's immediate family, baggage, and household goods from the current official station to the former actual residence or an alternate destination?
§ 303-70.601 - What relocation expenses must we authorize for the immediate family under § 303-70.600?
§ 303-70.602 - Must we pay transportation costs to return the deceased employee's POV from the TDY location or from an official station OCONUS under § 303-70.600?