§ 51-11.1 - Scope and purpose.  

Latest version.
  • § 51-11.1 Scope and purpose.

    (a) This part sets forth policies and procedures of the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled (Committee) regarding the testimony of current and former employees as witnesses and the production or disclosure of Committee documents or information:

    (1) In all Federal and State proceedings in which the United States is a party; and

    (2) In all Federal and State proceedings in which the United States is not a party, when a demand pursuant to a subpoena, order or request (collectively referred to in this part as a “demand”) of a court or other authority is issued for such material, testimony, or information.

    (b) The Committee intends these provisions to:

    (1) Promote economy and efficiency in its programs and operations;

    (2) Minimize the possibility of involving the Committee in controversial issues not related to its functions;

    (3) Prevent the misuse of the Committee's employees as involuntary expert witnesses for private interests or as inappropriate expert witnesses as to the state of the law;

    (4) Maintain the Committee's impartiality among private litigants where neither the Committee nor any other Federal entity is a named party; and

    (5) Protect sensitive, confidential information and the deliberative processes of the Committee.

    (c) In providing for these requirements, the Committee does not waive the sovereign immunity of the United States.

    (d) This part provides guidance for the internal operations of the Committee. The procedures specified in this part, or the failure of any Committee employee to follow the procedures specified in this part, are not intended to, do not, and may not be relied upon to create a right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by a party against the United States.