§ 60-2.23 - Identification of problem areas by organizational units and job groups.  

Latest version.
  • (a) An in-depth analysis of the following should be made, paying particular attention to trainees and those categories listed in § 60-2.11(b).

    (1) Composition of the work force by minority group status and sex.

    (2) Composition of applicant flow by minority group status and sex.

    (3) The total selection process including position descriptions, position titles, worker specifications, application forms, interview procedures, test administration, test validity, referral procedures, final selection process, and similar factors.

    (4) Transfer and promotion practices.

    (5) Facilities, company sponsored recreation and social events, and special programs such as educational assistance.

    (6) Seniority practices and seniority provisions of union contracts.

    (7) Apprenticeship programs.

    (8) All company training programs, formal and informal.

    (9) Work force attitude.

    (10) Technical phases of compliance, such as poster and notification to labor unions, retention of applications, notification to subcontractors, etc.

    (b) If any of the following items are found in the analysis, special corrective action should be appropriate.

    (1) An “underutilization” of minorities or women in specific job groups.

    (2) Lateral and/or vertical movement of minority or female employees occurring at a lesser rate (compared to work force mix) than that of nonminority or male employees.

    (3) The selection process eliminates a significantly higher percentage of minorities or women than nonminorities or men.

    (4) Application and related preemployment forms not in compliance with Federal legislation.

    (5) Position descriptions inaccurate in relation to actual functions and duties.

    (6) Formal or scored selection procedures not validated as required by the OFCCP Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures.

    (7) Test forms not validated by location, work performance and inclusion of minorities and women in sample.

    (8) Referral ratio of minorities or women to the hiring supervisor or manager indicates a significantly higher percentage are being rejected as compared to nonminority and male applicants.

    (9) Minorities or women are excluded from or are not participating in company sponsored activities or programs.

    (10) De facto segregation still exists at some facilities.

    (11) Seniority provisions contribute to overt or inadvertent discrimination, i.e., a disparity by minority group status or sex exists between length of service and types of job held.

    (12) Nonsupport of company policy by managers, supervisors or employees.

    (13) Minorities or women underutilized or significantly underrepresented in training or career improvement programs.

    (14) No formal techniques established for evaluating effectiveness of EEO programs.

    (15) Lack of access to suitable housing inhibits recruitment efforts and employment of qualified minorities.

    (16) Lack of suitable transportation (public or private) to the work place inhibits minority employment.

    (17) Labor unions and subcontractors not notified of their responsibilities.

    (18) Purchase orders do not contain EEO clause.

    (19) Posters not on display.