Subpart M - Prospective Payment System for Inpatient Hospital Capital Costs  

Determination of Transition Period Payment Rates for Capital-Related Costs
§ 412.324 - General description.
§ 412.328 - Determining and updating the hospital-specific rate.
§ 412.331 - Determining hospital-specific rates in cases of hospital merger, consolidation, or dissolution.
§ 412.332 - Payment based on the hospital-specific rate.
§ 412.336 - Transition period payment methodologies.
§ 412.340 - Fully prospective payment methodology.
§ 412.344 - Hold-harmless payment methodology.
§ 412.348 - Exception payments.
§ 412.352 - Budget neutrality adjustment.
Basic Methodology for Determining the Federal Rate for Capital-Related Costs
§ 412.308 - Determining and updating the Federal rate.
§ 412.312 - Payment based on the Federal rate.
§ 412.316 - Geographic adjustment factors.
§ 412.320 - Disproportionate share adjustment factor.
§ 412.322 - Indirect medical education adjustment factor.
General Provisions
§ 412.300 - Scope of subpart and definition.
§ 412.302 - Introduction to capital costs.
§ 412.304 - Implementation of the capital prospective payment system.
Special Rules for Puerto Rico Hospitals
§ 412.370 - General provisions for hospitals located in Puerto Rico.
§ 412.374 - Payments to hospitals located in Puerto Rico.