Subpart F - Competitive Bidding for Certain Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS)  

§ 414.400 - Purpose and basis.
§ 414.402 - Definitions.
§§ 414.400--414.404 - [Reserved]
§ 414.404 - Scope and applicability.
§ 414.406 - Implementation of programs.
§ 414.408 - Payment rules.
§ 414.409 - Special payment rules.
§ 414.410 - Phased-in implementation of competitive bidding programs.
§ 414.411 - Special rule in case of competitions for diabetic testing strips conducted on or after January 1, 2011.
§ 414.412 - Submission of bids under a competitive bidding program.
§ 414.414 - Conditions for awarding contracts.
§ 414.416 - Determination of competitive bidding payment amounts.
§ 414.418 - Opportunity for networks.
§ 414.420 - Physician or treating practitioner authorization and consideration of clinical efficiency and value of items.
§ 414.422 - Terms of contracts.
§ 414.423 - Appeals process for breach of a DMEPOS competitive bidding program contract actions.
§ 414.424 - Administrative or judicial review.
§ 414.425 - Claims for damages.
§ 414.426 - Adjustments to competitively bid payment amounts to reflect changes in the HCPCS.
§§ 414.408--414.426 - [Reserved]