§ 431.806 - State requirements.  

Latest version.
  • § 431.806 State plan requirements.

    (a) MEQC program. A State plan must provide for operating a Medicaid eligibility quality control program that meets the requirements of §§ 431.810 through 431.822 of this subpart.

    (b) Use of PERM data. A State plan must provide for operating a Medicaid eligibility quality control program that is in accordance with § 431.978 through § 431.988 of this part to meet the requirements of § 431.810 through § 431.822 of this subpart when a State is in their PERM year.


    General requirements.

    (1) In a State's PERM year, the PERM measurement will meet the requirements of section 1903(u) of the Act.

    (2) In the 2 years between each State's PERM year, the State is required to conduct one MEQC pilot, which will span parts of both off years.

    (i) The MEQC pilot review period will span 12 months of a calendar year, beginning the January 1 following the end of the State's PERM year through December 31.

    (ii) The MEQC pilot planning document described in § 431.814 is due no later than the first November 1 following the end of the State's PERM year.

    (iii) A State must submit its MEQC pilot findings and its plan for corrective action(s) by the August 1 following the end of its MEQC pilot review period.

    (b) PERM measurement. Requirements for the State PERM review process are set forth in subpart Q of this part.

    (c) MEQC pilots. MEQC pilot requirements are specified in §§ 431.812 through 431.820.

    (d) Claims processing assessment system. Except in a State that has an approved Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) under subpart C of part 433 of this subchapter, a State plan must provide for operating a Medicaid quality control claims processing assessment system that meets the requirements of §§ 431.830 through 431.836

    of this subpart


    [55 82 FR 2216631182, May 31, 1990, as amended at 75 FR 48847, Aug. 11, 2010July 5, 2017]