Subpart E - Fair Hearings for Applicants and Beneficiaries  

§ 431.230 - Maintaining services.
§ 431.231 - Reinstating services.
§ 431.232 - Adverse decision of local evidentiary hearing.
§ 431.233 - State agency hearing after adverse decision of local evidentiary hearing.
§ 431.240 - Conducting the hearing.
§ 431.241 - Matters to be considered at the hearing.
§ 431.242 - Procedural rights of the applicant or beneficiary.
§ 431.243 - Parties in cases involving an eligibility determination.
§ 431.244 - Hearing decisions.
§ 431.245 - Notifying the applicant or beneficiary of a State agency decision.
§ 431.246 - Corrective action.
Federal Financial Participation
§ 431.250 - Federal financial participation.
Right to Hearing
§ 431.220 - When a hearing is required.
§ 431.221 - Request for hearing.
§ 431.222 - Group hearings.
§ 431.223 - Denial or dismissal of request for a hearing.
§ 431.224 - Expedited appeals.
§ 431.210 - Content of notice.
§ 431.211 - Advance notice.
§ 431.213 - Exceptions from advance notice.
§ 431.214 - Notice in cases of probable fraud.
General Provisions
§ 431.200 - Basis and scope.
§ 431.201 - Definitions.
§ 431.202 - State plan requirements.
§ 431.205 - Provision of hearing system.
§ 431.206 - Informing applicants and beneficiaries.