§ 457.624 - Limitations on certain payments for certain expenditures.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Abortions. (1) General rule. Payment is not made for any State expenditures to pay for abortions or to assist in the purchase, whole or in part, of health benefit coverage that includes coverage of abortion.

    (2) Exception. Payment may be made for expenditures for health benefits coverage and services that include abortions that are necessary to save the life of the mother or if the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest.

    (b) Waiver for purchase of family coverage. Payment may be made to a State with an approved State child health plan for the purchase of family coverage under a group plan or health insurance coverage that includes coverage of targeted low-income children only if the State establishes to the satisfaction of HCFA that —

    (1) Purchase of this coverage is cost-effective relative to the amounts that the State would have paid to obtain comparable coverage only of the targeted low-income children involved; and

    (2) This coverage will not be provided if it would otherwise substitute for health insurance coverage that would be provided to such children but for the purchase of family coverage.