§ 512.400 - Quality measures and reporting - general.  

Latest version.
  • § 512.400 Quality measures and reporting - general.

    (a) Reporting of quality measures. Quality measures are used for public reporting, for determining whether an EPM participant is eligible for reconciliation payments under § 512.305(d)(1)(iii), and for assigning the effective and applicable discount factors for the performance year to an EPM participant as described in § 512.315(b)(5), (c)(5), and (d)(5).

    (b) Quality measures. Quality measures differ by EPM.

    (c) Public reporting. CMS -

    (1) Makes the required quality measurement results for each EPM participant in each performance year publicly available on the CMS Web site in a form and manner as determined by CMS;

    (2) Shares each EPM participant's quality metrics with the participant prior to display on the CMS Web site; and

    (3) Does not publicly report the voluntary measure data submitted under an EPM in § 512.411(b) or § 512.413(b) but does indicate whether an EPM participant has voluntarily submitted such data.