Part 513 - Most Favored Nation (MFN) Model

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 513.1 - Basis, scope, and duration.
§ 513.2 - Definitions.
Subpart B - Inclusion in the Model
§ 513.100 - MFN Model payments and MFN participants.
§ 513.120 - MFN Model geographic area.
§ 513.130 - MFN Model drugs, updates, categories and excluded drugs.
§ 513.140 - Included international data.
Subpart C - Payment Process and Methodology
§ 513.200 - Payment process and beneficiary cost-sharing.
§ 513.210 - Model payment methodology for MFN Model drugs.
§ 513.220 - Model alternative add-on payment.
§ 513.230 - Financial hardship exemptions, request process, and reconciliation payment.
Subpart D - XXX
Subpart E - Quality Strategy, Beneficiary Protections, and Compliance Activities
§ 513.400 - Quality measures.
§ 513.410 - Beneficiary protections.
§ 513.420 - Monitoring and compliance activities.
§ 513.430 - Audits and record retention.
§ 513.440 - Enforcement authority.
§ 513.450 - Limitations on review.
Subpart F - Waivers
§ 513.500 - Waivers of Medicare program requirements for purposes of testing the MFN Model.
Subparts G--J - XXX
Subpart K - Model Termination
§ 513.1000 - Termination of the MFN Model.