§ 57.1804 - Who is eligible for educational assistance?  

Latest version.
  • To be eligible for educational assistance under this program, an individual must:

    (a) Be a resident of the United States and either a citizen or national of the United States, an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States, a citizen of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, a citizen of the Republic of Palau, a citizen of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, or a citizen of the Federated States of Micronesia;

    (b) Have completed at least the junior year of high school (or its equivalent), except in the case of Model Demonstration programs; and

    (c) Come from a disadvantaged background. For this program, an individual from a disadvantaged background is one who:

    (1) Comes from an environment that has inhibited the individual from obtaining the knowledge, skill, and abilities required to enroll in and graduate from a health professions school, or from a program providing education or training in an allied health profession; or

    (2) Comes from a family with an annual income below a level based on low income thresholds according to family size published by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, adjusted annually for changes in the Consumer Price Index, and adjusted by the Secretary for use in all health professions programs. The Secretary will periodically publish these income levels in the Federal Register.