§ 57.2107 - For what purposes may grant funds be spent?  

Latest version.
  • (a) A grantee shall only spend funds it receives under this subpart according to the approved application and budget, the authorizing legislation, terms and conditions of the grant award, applicable cost principles specified in subpart Q of 45 CFR part 74, and these regulations.

    (b) Any balance of federally obligated grant funds remaining unobligated by the grantee at the end of a budget period may be carried forward provided specific approval is granted by the Secretary. If at any time during a budget period it becomes apparent to the Secretary that the amount of Federal funds awarded and available to the grantee for that period, including any unobligated balance carried foward from prior periods, exceeds the grantee's needs for the period, the Secretary may adjust the amounts awarded by withdrawing the excess. A budget period is an interval of time (usually 12 months) into which the project period is divided for funding and reporting purposes.

    (c) The grantee may spend grant funds to pay individual participants in the program a per diem when the grantee determines that—

    (1) The training program requires the individual to establish a temporary new residence;

    (2) The program is offered at a time when the individual would not be at the training site in a regular course of education or employed as a faculty member at that institution; and

    (3) No other Federal financial assistance program is authorized to provide this support.

    (d) The grantee may spend grant funds to provide one round trip per participant between the place of residence and the training site, provided that conditions in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section are met.

    (e) The grantee may not spend grant funds for stipends, licensing exams, loan or scholarship support, support of research faculty or projects and related activities, establishment of research centers, establishment of planning offices, support of commercial ventures, entertainment, dependency allowances, new construction of facilities, acquisition of land, fund raising, or for sectarian instruction or any religious purpose.