§ 57.3007 - How is the amount of the grant award determined?  

Latest version.
  • (a) The amount of any award will be limited to that portion of the annual program costs which the Secretary determines, on the basis of the documentation required in the application, cannot reasonably be paid from other available funds. Moreover, the amount of any stipend will be limited to that portion of the annual amount normally paid to other residents by the applicant which the Secretary determines, on the basis of the documentation required in the application, cannot reasonably be paid from other available funds. The applicant must document attempts to pursue other sources of funding.

    (b) Stipend support may only be given to residents in the academic and field years of training, and support to each resident is limited to 2 years of training, excluding the clinical year.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0915-0060)