§ 57.3104 - What activities must be addressed in an application?  

Latest version.
  • In addition to other pertinent information which the Secretary may require, an application for a grant under this subpart must contain the following:

    (a) A proposal for a project to plan, develop, and operate an approved residency training or faculty development program in internal medicine and/or pediatrics—

    (1) Which emphasizes the training of residents for the practice of general internal medicine and/or general pediatrics and faculty for teaching in such programs, and

    (2) Which may provide financial assistance to residents and trainees who are participants in the programs and who plan to practice or teach in general internal medicine and/or general pediatrics.

    (b) A full and adequate description of the proposed project and of the manner in which the applicant intends to conduct the project and carry out the requirements of this subpart.

    (c) A description of the resources to be used by the applicant for the conduct of the proposed project, including faculty, staff, equipment, facilities, and appropriate clinical practice settings (including those which are used to meet the requirements of § 57.3105(j) and (l)).

    (d) In programs other than faculty development, a description of the type and amount of training to be offered to residents in each year of each residency program in accordance with the requirements of § 57.3105 with special attention to the requirements of § 57.3105(a)(11).

    (e) In programs other than faculty development, the number of residents to be enrolled in each program, at each level of training, for each year of the project period.

    (f) A detailed budget for the proposed project and a justification of the amount of grant funds requested.

    (g) Documentation showing that funds available from other sources will be insufficient to meet the costs of the project and that grant funds will not be used to supplant other available funds.

    (h) If stipend support is requested by an applicant to provide a portion of the salary of residents enrolled in the program, documentation showing that income available from alternative sources, including income derived from the services of the residents in the program, will be insufficient to pay their salaries and that grant funds will not be used to supplant other available funds. Stipend support requested for trainees in the faculty development program must be paid in accordance with established Public Health Service postdoctoral stipend levels.

    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0915-0060)