§ 57.4106 - How will applications be evaluated?  

Latest version.
  • (a) As required by section 798(a) of the Act, each application for a grant under this subpart shall be submitted to a peer review group, composed principally of non-Federal experts, for an evaluation of the merits of the proposals made in the application. The Secretary may not approve such an application unless a peer review group has recommended the application for approval. The Secretary will award grants to applicants whose projects will best promote the purposes of section 777(b) of the Act and these regulations. The Secretary will consider, among other factors:

    (1) The extent to which the proposed training program will prepare physicians and dentists to perform the research, teaching, administrative and clinical duties of a faculty member specializing in geriatrics;

    (2) The degree to which the project plan adequately provides for meeting the requirements set forth in § 57.4105;

    (3) The administrative, management and resource capability of the applicant to carry out the proposed project in a cost-effective manner;

    (4) The potential for the applicant to continue the program without Federal support after completion of the requested project period; and

    (5) The extent to which the project will increase the number of geriatric fellowship and retraining positions available for individuals who want to prepare for academic careers in geriatric medicine, psychiatry, or dentistry.

    (b) In determining the funding of applications approved under paragraph (a) of this section, the Secretary will consider any special factors relating to national needs as the Secretary may from time to time announce in the Federal Register.