Part 81 - Guidelines for Determining Probability of Causation Under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000  

Subpart A - Introduction
§ 81.0 - Background.
§ 81.1 - Purpose and Authority.
§ 81.2 - Provisions of EEOICPA concerning this part.
Subpart B - Definitions
§ 81.4 - Definition of terms used in this part.
Subpart C - Data Required To Estimate Probability of Causation
§ 81.5 - Use of personal and medical information.
§ 81.6 - Use of radiation dose information.
Subpart D - Requirements for Risk Models Used To Estimate Probability of Causation
§ 81.10 - Use of cancer risk assessment models in NIOSH IREP.
§ 81.11 - Use of uncertainty analysis in NIOSH-IREP.
§ 81.12 - Procedure to update NIOSH-IREP.
Subpart E - Guidelines To Estimate Probability of Causation
§ 81.20 - Required use of NIOSH-IREP.
§ 81.21 - Cancers requiring the use of NIOSH-IREP.
§ 81.22 - General guidelines for use of NIOSH-IREP.
§ 81.23 - Guidelines for cancers for which primary site is unknown.
§ 81.24 - Guidelines for leukemia.
§ 81.25 - Guidelines for claims including two or more primary cancers.
§ 81.30 - Non-radiogenic cancers.
Appendix A to Part 81 - Glossary of ICD-9 Codes and Their Cancer Descriptions 1