§ 88.6 - Enrollment decision - WTC responders.  

Latest version.
  • § 88.6 Enrollment determination decision - status as a WTC responderresponders.

    (a) Enrollment priority. The WTC Health Program Administrator will prioritize applications in the order in which they are received.

    (b) Enrollment eligibility. The WTC Health Program Administrator will determine decide if the applicant meets the eligibility criteria provided in § 88.4 and notify the applicant in writing (or by e-mail if an e-mail address is provided by the applicant) of any deficiencies in the application or the supporting documentation.

    (c) Denial of enrollment.

    (1) The WTC Health Program Administrator will deny enrollment if the applicant fails to meet the applicable eligibility requirements.

    (2) The WTC Health Program Administrator may deny enrollment of a responder who is otherwise eligible and qualified if the WTC Program Administrator determines that the Act's numerical limitations for newly enrolled responders have been met.

    (i) No more than 25,000 WTC responders, other than those enrolled pursuant to § §§ 88.3 and § 88.4(a)(1)(ii), may be enrolled at any time.


    The Administrator of the WTC Health Program




    decide, based on the best available evidence, that sufficient funds are available under the WTC Health Program Fund to provide treatment and monitoring only for individuals who are already enrolled as WTC responders at that time.


    B) [Reserved]

    (ii) [Reserved]

    (3) No individual who is determined to be a positive match to the terrorist watch list maintained by the Federal government may qualify to be enrolled or be determined to be eligible for the WTC Health Program.

    (d) Notification of enrollment determinationdecision.

    (1) Applicants who meet the The WTC Health Program will decide if the applicant meets the current eligibility criteria for WTC responders in § 88.4 and are qualified shall be notified in writing by the WTC Program Administrator is qualified, and notify the applicant of the enrollment decision in writing within 60 calendar days of the date of receipt of the application. The 60-day time period will not include any days during which the applicant is correcting deficiencies in the application or supporting documentation.

    (2) If the WTC Health Program Administrator determines decides that an applicant is denied enrollment, the applicant will be notified in writing and provided written notification will include an explanation, as appropriate, for the determination decision to deny enrollment . The notification will and inform the applicant of the right to appeal the initial denial of eligibility and provide instructions on how to file an appeal.