Part 100 - Waiving Departmental Review of Appraisals and Valuations of Indian Property  

Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 100.100 - What terms I should know for this part?
§ 100.101 - What is the purpose of this part?
§ 100.102 - Does this part apply to me?
§ 100.103 - How does the Paperwork Reduction Act affect this part?
Subpart B - Appraiser Qualifications
§ 100.200 - What are the minimum qualifications for qualified appraisers?
§ 100.201 - Does a qualified appraiser have the authority to conduct appraisals or valuations of any type of Indian property?
§ 100.202 - Will the Secretary verify the appraiser's qualifications?
§ 100.203 - What must the tribe or individual Indian submit to the Secretary for a verification of the appraiser's qualifications?
§ 100.204 - When must the tribe or individual Indian submit a package for Secretarial verification of appraiser qualifications?
Subpart C - Appraisals and Valuations; Departmental Review and Waivers
§ 100.300 - Must I submit an appraisal or valuation to the Department?
§ 100.301 - Will the Department review and approve my appraisal or valuation?
§ 100.302 - May I request Departmental review of an appraisal even if a qualified appraiser completed the appraisal or valuation?
§ 100.303 - What happens if the Indian tribe or individual Indian does not agree with the appraisal or valuation prepared by their qualified appraiser?
§ 100.304 - Is the Department liable if it approves a transaction for Indian property based on an appraisal or valuation prepared by a qualified appraiser?