Part 10010 - Policies and Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act  

Subpart A - Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality
§ 10010.1 - Purpose.
§ 10010.2 - Policy.
§ 10010.3 - General responsibilities.
§ 10010.4 - Consideration of environmental values.
§ 10010.5 - Consultation, coordination, and cooperation with other agencies and organizations.
§ 10010.6 - Public involvement.
§ 10010.7 - Mandate.
Subpart B - Initiating the NEPA Process
§ 10010.8 - Purpose.
§ 10010.9 - Apply NEPA early.
§ 10010.10 - Whether to prepare an EIS.
§ 10010.11 - Lead agencies.
§ 10010.12 - Cooperating agencies.
§ 10010.13 - Scoping.
§ 10010.14 - Time limits.
Subpart C - Environmental Assessments
§ 10010.15 - Purpose.
§ 10010.16 - When to prepare.
§ 10010.17 - Public involvement.
§ 10010.18 - Content.
§ 10010.19 - Format.
§ 10010.20 - Adoption.
Subpart D - Environmental Impact Statements
§ 10010.21 - Purpose.
§ 10010.22 - Statutory requirements.
§ 10010.23 - Timing.
§ 10010.24 - Page limits.
§ 10010.25 - Supplemental environmental impact statements.
§ 10010.26 - Format.
§ 10010.27 - Cover sheet.
§ 10010.28 - Summary.
§ 10010.29 - Purpose and need.
§ 10010.30 - Alternatives including the proposed action.
§ 10010.31 - Appendix.
§ 10010.32 - Tiering.
§ 10010.33 - Incorporation by reference of material into NEPA documents.
§ 10010.34 - Incomplete or unavailable information.
§ 10010.35 - Methodology and scientific accuracy.
§ 10010.36 - Environmental review and consultation requirements.
§ 10010.37 - Inviting comments.
§ 10010.38 - Response to comments.
§ 10010.39 - Elimination of duplication with state and local procedures.
§ 10010.40 - Combining documents.
§ 10010.41 - Commission responsibility.
§ 10010.42 - Public involvement.
§ 10010.43 - Further guidance.
§ 10010.44 - Proposals for legislation.
§ 10010.45 - Time periods.
Subpart E - Relationship to Decision-Making
§ 10010.46 - Purpose.
§ 10010.47 - Pre-decision referrals to CEQ.
§ 10010.48 - Decision-making procedures.
§ 10010.49 - Record of decision.
§ 10010.50 - Implementing the decision.
§ 10010.51 - Limitations on actions.
§ 10010.52 - Timing of actions.
§ 10010.53 - Emergencies.
Subpart F - Managing the NEPA Process
§ 10010.54 - Purpose.
§ 10010.55 - Organization for environmental quality.
§ 10010.56 - Approval of EISs.
§ 10010.57 - List of specific compliance responsibilities.
§ 10010.58 - Information about the NEPA process.
Subpart G - Actions Requiring an EIS and Actions Subject to Categorical Exclusion
§ 10010.59 - Purpose.
§ 10010.60 - Actions normally requiring an EIS.
§ 10010.61 - Actions subject to categorical exclusion.
§ 10010.62 - Exceptions to categorical exclusions.