§ 1821.2-2 - Time limit for filing documents.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The authorized officer will reject all applications to make entry which are executed more than 10 days prior to filing.

    (b) Such rejections should be subject to the right of appeal and to the right to file a new and properly executed application, or to reexecute the rejected application, without priority.

    (c) The authorized officer will accept as filed within the time named in paragraph (a) of this section all applications to enter which were deposited in the mails within 10 days from the date of execution.

    (d) Any document required or permitted to be filed under the regulations of this chapter, which is received in the proper office, either in the mail or by personal delivery when the office is not open to the public, shall be deemed to be filed as of the day and hour the office next opens to the public.

    (e) Any document required by law, regulation or decision to be filed within a stated period, the last day of which falls on a day the office is officially closed, shall be deemed to be timely filed if it is received in the proper office on the next day the office is open to the public.

    (f) Except when paragraph (c) of this section is applicable, filing is accomplished when a document is delivered to and received by the proper office. Depositing a document in the mails does not constitute filing.

    (g) When the regulations of this chapter provide that a document must be filed or a payment made within a specified period of time, the filing of the document or the making of the payment after the expiration of that period will not prevent the authorized officer from considering the document as being timely filed or the payment as being timely made except where:

    (1) The law does not permit him to do so.

    (2) The rights of a third party or parties have intervened.

    (3) The authorized officer determines that further consideration of the document or acceptance of the payment would unduly interfere with the orderly conduct of business.