§ 1821.4-2 - When notation required.  

Latest version.
  • The authorized officer will make notations of rights-of-way on entry papers, only where his records show that the land involved, or some part of it, is covered by an approved application for right-of-way. See: Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Co. v. Doughty (208 U.S. 251, 52 L. ed. 474). Applicants to enter public lands that are affected by a mere pending application for right-of-way, should be verbally informed thereof and given all necessary information as to the character and extent of the project embraced by the right-of-way application; and, further, that they must take the land subject to whatever right may have attached thereto under the right-of-way application, and at the full area of the subdivisions entered, irrespective of the questions of priority or damages, these being questions for the courts to determine.