§ 1821.6-2 - Joint action to acquire public lands.

Latest version.
  • (a) Ten or more persons may file in the proper office applications in a single group under any one or more of the laws relating to the acquisition of lands in Alaska, including the Homestead Laws (30 Stat. 409; 32 Stat. 1028; 48 U.S.C. 371), Small Tract Laws (52 Stat. 609, 59 Stat. 467; 43 U.S.C. 682a), Home-Site Law (48 Stat. 809; 48 U.S.C. 461) and Town-Site Laws (R.S. 2380-

    2389, as amended, 43 U.S.C. 711-722; 26 Stat. 1099; 48 U.S.C. 355). Each application must be complete in itself except that information common to more than one application in a group need not be duplicated at length but may appear in or as an appendix to one such application and be adopted by reference made in the other applications.

    (b) Where certain requirements must be met before an application to enter or purchase may be filed, a statement of intention to meet such requirements, signed by each prospective applicant, must be submitted in lieu of an application. Upon compliance with applicable requirements as to residence or otherwise, each such person must file an actual application as required by law.

    (c) Each group of applications filed hereunder should be accompanied by two copies of a diagram showing the plan of development contemplated by the applicants. Each such application may describe the land covered by it in terms of a lot or tract as set forth in such diagram or the preliminary diagram specified in this paragraph. The diagram should include specific information as to the relative location and areal extent of each tract or site which it is contemplated will be devoted to school and other municipal or common purposes, to stores or other commercial enterprises, to housing and to agriculture and grazing. Assistance in the preparation of a preliminary diagram, which need not pertain to a particular tract of land, may be obtained by communicating in person or by mail with the U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, DC, 20240. Such preliminary diagram may be used as the basis for the diagram to be filed with the group of applications and which must relate to specific land.

    (d) Upon the filing of such a diagram by the applicants or their authorized representative, a petition or petitions may be filed requesting the withdrawal of the lands to be devoted to school and other municipal or common purposes.

    (e) If any of the applications involve unsurveyed public lands, such applications may also be accompanied by a petition, either joint or several, for the withdrawal of the lands in behalf of specified applicants, the survey, and, in appropriate cases, the classification under the Small Tract Law, of such lands. The filing of such applications confers of itself no right upon the applicants. If the withdrawal is made, and the land classified, applicants shall have the first right to acquire the interests for which they have applied, to the extent permitted by statute. Any application, entry or withdrawal made pursuant to this section shall be subject to all valid prior claims.

    (f) Persons who propose to file applications in a group under paragraph (a) of this section, by a writing to be filed in the proper office, may designate a representative or representatives who may, at their direction and in their behalf, make the actual filing of the applications, previously executed by the applicants and accompanying and supporting documents; pay any or all fees and costs in connection therewith; and, in complete satisfaction of the requirements of § 2511.1(a) of this chapter, personally examine the lands sought to be entered and make and file a statement setting forth the information otherwise required of each individual applicant by § 2511.1-6(a) of this chapter.

    (g) Where ten or more settlers are entitled by statute to request and receive a free survey of the lands upon which they have settled, they may file a joint petition stating the facts as to compliance with law by each of them. Such petition must be corroborated by two witnesses having knowledge of the facts.

    (h) Where the costs of any survey made under this section are required by statute to be borne by one who seeks the survey, the necessary deposit for costs must be made. The individual applicant is ultimately responsible in such instances for the costs entailed in satisfying his request for such a survey, but persons who file joint or group petitions for such surveys may share the costs thereof in any proportion they may determine.