§ 1823.1-1 - Time; place; continuance.  

Latest version.
  • Final proofs should in every case be made at the time and place advertised, and before the officer named in the notice, at his regularly established office or place of business, and not elsewhere. Between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. on the day advertised the officer named in the notice should call the case for hearing, and should the claimant fail to appear with his witnesses between those hours, or the taking of the proof fail to be completed on that day, the officer should continue the case until the next day, and on that day or any succeeding day should the claimant or his witnesses fail to so appear he should proceed in like manner to continue the case from day to day until the expiration of 10 days from the date advertised, but proof cannot be taken after the expiration of the tenth day. Upon continuing any case in the manner indicated the officer continuing the same should in the most effective way available give notice of such continuance to all interested parties.