§ 1824.3 - Frequency of publication.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In many cases it is necessary to designate a daily paper in which to publish the notices of intention to submit final proof required to be given by homestead and desert land entrymen as well as the notices of location of other claims.

    (b) The expense of publishing such notices for the prescribed period in every issue of a daily paper is often prohibitive, and the object of publication of such notices can be accomplished by a less number of insertions. Therefore, in all cases where the law does not specifically otherwise direct, publication will be made as follows:

    (1) Where publication is required for 30 days, if the authorized officer designates a daily paper, the notice should be published in the Wednesday issue for five consecutive weeks; if weekly, in five consecutive issues, and if semiweekly, or triweekly, in any one of the weekly issues for five consecutive weeks.

    (2) Where publication is required for 60 days, except in mining cases, if the authorized officer designates a daily paper the notice should be published in the Wednesday issues for nine consecutive issues; if weekly in nine consecutive issues; if semiweekly or triweekly in any one of the weekly issues for nine consecutive weeks.

    (c) Publication of notice in mining cases must be made in accordance with § 3862.4-1 of this chapter.