Subpart 1822 - Filing a Document with BLM  

§ 1822.1 - Payments.
§ 1822.2 - Repayments.
§ 1822.0-3 - Authority for repayments.
§ 1822.3 - Act of June 16, 1880.
§ 1822.10 - How should my name appear on applications and other required documents that I submit to BLM?
§ 1822.11 - What must I do to make an official filing with BLM?
§ 1822.12 - Where do I file my application or other required documents?
§ 1822.13 - May I file electronically?
§ 1822.14 - What if I try to file a required document on the last day of the stated period for filing, but the BLM office where it is to be filed is officially closed all day?
§ 1822.15 - If I miss filing a required document or payment within the specified period, can BLM consider it timely filed anyway?
§ 1822.16 - Where do I file an application that involves lands under the jurisdiction of more than one BLM State Office?
§ 1822.17 - When are documents considered filed simultaneously?
§ 1822.18 - How does BLM decide in which order to accept documents that are simultaneously filed?
§ 1822.1-1 - Amount.
§ 1822.1-2 - Forms of remittances.
§ 1822.2-1 - Filing of applications.
§ 1822.2-2 - Statement of grounds for repayment.
§ 1822.3-1 - Statutory provisions.
§ 1822.3-2 - Applications.
§ 1822.3-3 - Recording of reconveyance.
§ 1822.3-4 - Repayment to heirs, executors, administrators.
§ 1822.3-5 - Repayment to assignees.
§ 1822.3-6 - Repayment to mortgagees.